Tuesday, June 9, 2009

CEO Space: a life changing experience AND a free cruise

We all have turning points in our life and I wanted to share one of mine...

Over ten years ago I wanted to completely transition from my profession into my own business.
I had already started and sold ONE profitable business by then but the process had been a struggle and I knew for sure I'd want to have more critical resources next time around:
Influencers who could open doors, industry experts to mentor me, the most current entrepreneurial skills, and access to funding.

Mama didn't raise no fool. There was no reason to go without these things again and have to work way too hard to achieve my goals. The second time around in business, I was committed to having an easier time of it.
I knew the WHAT I wanted, but how and where to find all these resources in time was my challenge back then.

Someone mentioned joining a group called CEO Space and I hesitated thinking it was just a seminar and "another one of those". I was VERY wrong.

I finally took a chance and attended their Free Enterprise Forum which turned out to be a life changing experience for me...and could be for you too!

The experience was like strapping a rocket to my business ventures and the ongoing benefits have been sustaining.

CEO Space is not a seminar--- it's a life-time membership in a cooperative group of incredible thought leaders and CEO's who all commit to helping each other succeed.
When you attend a week-long Forum, you're DOING business, not just being lectured or sold to non-stop.
Meals are structured working sessions where partnerships are formed, mentoring takes place, and investors review projects.

My results were dramatic... Within 6 weeks of joining I retired from my profession, created new income streams that completely replaced my salary,
acquired wonderful new customers for my consulting business, replaced all toxic relationships with an incredible support team & connected with a number of investors.

***If you're not a member right now, I STRONGLY encourage you ---from the bottom of my heart --- to consider joining CEO Space! ***

Could you use similar resources to accelerate your business to the next level in this current economy?

There are dozens of benefits to joining CEO Space and here are my recommended next steps to get the full picture:

1. Contact CEO Space Regional Director, Kehau Kali, for a list of all current benefits of membership (huge list) and to get plugged into your local free chapters. kehau@ceospacehawaii.com or call 808-342-0375.
(Let Kehau know I referred you to receive a gift I put aside for you valued at over $650)

2. Go to http://ceospace.net and scroll down to watch the most current video overview.
If you have any doubts that what you're watching is REAL...believe me, it's real!

3. Suspend any thoughts about whether you can afford this. Most entrepreneurs these days CAN'T afford NOT to. They have complimentary programs to help you acquire the resources you need....just ask Kehau

Contact Kehau before June 15th and you'll be eligible for one of the FREE Caribbean Cruises they're giving away. Next event is in Las Vegas the week of July 20th. I'll be there supporting the participants as a mentor. Join me!

Maria Simone helps those who want to transform their talents to create 6 and 7 figure businesses using these sequencing steps. Learn more at http://www.passion2prosperity.com/

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