Thursday, July 30, 2009

Secrets To Being A Customer Magnet In Your Business

Do you have people in your life who are on the fence about doing business with you, or potential investors that haven't quite committed to writing that check? Do you know where to even find these people? Here are some simple strategies that help people take action. The process starts even before this person comes into your life!

1. Have your prospect's best interest at heart
People connect with authenticity and someone who is passionate and enthusiastic about what they're offering. Is that you? Are you genuinely interested in providing the right solution or just interested in making a sale. The more aligned you are with this process, the safer your prospective customer will feel.

2. Know who your ideal customer is
Many people try to serve too broad a demographic and therefore don't come across powerfully to anyone in particular. Narrow it down so that you can show up as a "specialist" to a certain group. They'll take action much faster. You may also be communicating to the wrong group altogether. Success here is not necessarily dependant on the number of people you're speaking to but the quality of those contacts.

3. Get crystal clear about the needs of your prospective customer
Ask questions that allow them to share what's true for them --- what are their priority needs? what is an ideal situation for them? This info can be conveyed in a conversation OR become proactive and address their needs in all written communication. Don't just keep pushing your agenda on them without understanding what they truly need.

4. Become useful or indispensible to them, regardless
Some time ago I had a desire to create a Joint Venture with another organization. Before they had decided to do business with me, I took the initiative to make some additional contacts for them and supported them in other ways because I was very clear what their overall needs were. Getting them to say "yes" to my agenda was a much easier process afterwards. You can even create this same situation when serving the masses online...what can you give first?

5. Communicate your value
You want to be crystal clear about what you're offering your prospects and the VALUE of that offer expressed in dollars, time, potential, peace of mind, etc. A confused mind will take no action. Don't make assumptions they have all pertinent information. There should be a very direct and clear connection between your solution and their pain.

6. Go where they go, know who they know
If you truly understand who your ideal customer is, then you'll know exactly where they "hang out" so you can join them and not waste time and resources trying to find customers in places where they aren't. If you're a restaurant, you'll want to connect with people who are hungry or planning to eat out. You'll also want to connect with people THEY look up to who can help boost your credibility with endorsements and testimonials. People in pain would be referred by medical practitioners, pharmacies, etc.

Join Maria for the "Passionate Business TeleSummit" to learn more about attracting the right customers and increasing your revenues

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Resistance is futile!

If you don't have something you really want, is your first inclination to work harder for it? That's happened to me in the past. If you're familiar with the Law of Attraction, you know that having a clear vision of exactly what it is you want will help to manifest it in the physical a lot faster. Holding a vision and then taking inspired action is a much more efficient way to work. With that said--are you experiencing today all it is that you desire? Is there a gap between the two? If it feels like there is some distance between the two points, consider this: The moment you express a desire to have something in your life, the Universe/God/Divine Source instantly surrounds you with all that is necessary to make that a reality. How exciting is that! Knowing in my heart that to be true, if I'm not experiencing what I desire, then I look to inward to see what I'm resi sting. I need only acknowledge that I'm resisting and instead of having a need to explain or justify myself, I'll just begin letting go so that I can receive the support I need to help me achieve my goals.
Here are some "resistance points" that I've experienced over the years. I have hundreds I could share but these are just a few:

1. Is what you're asking for your deepest desire?
If you're not steadily moving towards your desire, it may not be what your heart wants. Have you compromised and asked for something that's not exactly what you want but may seem easier to attain? We want to learn to trust, regardless of the magnitude of the request, that if it's something our heart desires then it is most certainly within our grasp.

2. Regularly lowering your standards
Instead of focusing on achieving your dream, have you lowered your standards to accommodate your current situation? It's easy to live with the "discomfort" rather than going full out and pursuing your dreams, especially if you have any doubts about whether you may even deserve it or not. Keep aiming higher and know the place where you're currently at is a passing phase, a springboard to another level---enjoy the journey but don't get too comfortable there!

3. Not following up with people who are offering support
Support from someone with perhaps more experience than you can make all the difference in the world. There are times, however, when I've offered support to someone who never followed up. If help is a phone call away, why not make the phone call? Are you judging your "worthiness"? Are you attached to the pain and not as interested in moving forward? Start saying YES and allow others to help you.

4. Making MONEY an issue
This is a mantra of many people --- "I can't afford to have that" or "I can't move forward because I don't have money". Money is energy and it follows the opportunities--- opportunities don't necessarily follow money. So a more abundant stance would be to make decisions based on what it is you want to have or create in your life--- truly commit to having it regardless--- and then allow the resources to start showing up for you.

5. Making time an issue
Time is irrelevant when you're doing your dream. You'll find you're able to actually create more if it when you're doing things you love. It may also be better not to use time as a milestone--imposing too many deadlines in your life induces stress and you'll start sabotaging yourself at different points.

6. Being resistant to learning something new
If you're not experiencing all that you desire, chances are you don't know what you don't know. If you can embrace the fact that we're beings in a perpetual state of learning and growing, your next "teacher" will quickly appear. Do you resist immersing yourself in learning new strategies or building new support systems?

7. Feeling judged by those who may be trying to support you
Well wishers may step in to give you guidance, or point out areas that need to be corrected. Do you have a tendency to dismiss their support as judgement? Take any of it personally and feel slightly victimized? If you're taking support or feedback as an attack, it may be just your own feelings of inadequacy coming up and you're just reflecting it back to them. Allow others to share and resist the need to take any of it personally.

Join Maria's "Passionate Business Telesummit" to learn more strategies that will help you keep moving forward in business. Register for FR^EE at

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Let's support each other!

Hope all is well with you this summer!

I'm always at my best--and have way more fun-- when I'm collaborating with othersas I help people create spiritually rewarding and financially abundant businesses.I wanted to share some win-win opportunities I think you'll enjoy.

*Affiliate openings
*Joint Venture alliances
*Be a guest on my radio show
*The Women's Information Network

1. Become a Passion To Prosperity Affiliate
Be part of my expansion efforts AND create "now money" for yourself!

I'll be announcing a new program next week and we're looking for quality people who'll help to share it with others.If you have a calling to empower others with resources they need to succeed...then you'll love this lucrative opportunity!
As an Affiliate, you'll be compensated for promoting your unique link to your mailing list and to talk aboutus on the social networks.

Simply sign in as an Affiliate at and you'll immediately receive 2 emails.Hold on to those--this weekend you'll receive more specific details about language & compensation and a chance to get on a training call with yours truly.
For now, that's all there is to do!
***No need to register again if you're an Affiliate already***

2. Would you like to partner with me for a Joint Venture Alliance?
I'm looking for like minded individuals who have products and services that support entrepreneurs.Please send an email to so we can explore the possibility of promoting each other business.

3. Would you like to be a guest on my RADIO SHOW?
I'm excited to share that I'll be launching a new radio program and will begin booking guests soon.If you have a message to share with enlightened entrepreneurs, please send us a short emailwith your website link and brief description of what you offer to for consideration.
No attachments please!

4. Would you like to be a SHOW HOST yourself?
I'm currently helping to launch an exciting new venture, The Women's Information Network, and we're interviewing quality content providers.
Check out (beta) and then send an email to for further details.
Your message could potentially reach millions of subscribers....this is a great promotional opportunity!

Hope to connect with you soon---have a fantastic weekend!
Maria Simone