Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How To Stay ON The Road To Success!

We're so hard on ourselves! I've met so many entrepreneurs who regularly chastise themselves for "not knowing better" or taking longer to launch, or needing more money then originally thought. Pul-eeze! How are you supposed to know everything? The fact is, no one really taught us "success" in school and I don't know about you, but Business Ownership 101 was not offered as a class in grammar school or high school. In fact, it's only been in the past few years that they're actually offering more entrepreneurial classes in school. The road to success is not really a ROAD as far as I'm concerned. It's more like a LABYRINTH with lots of twisty turns---some seem to go nowhere and others take you one step closer to the prize. You can really learn to enjoy those twisty turns if you just start easing up on the self judgement, breath e, be more compassionate with yourself and know it's more about the journey. So while most entrepreneurs barely know what they're doing when they first start out in business (it's so true), here are things you can do to keep yourself moving forward successfully:

1. Don't wait until it's perfect
Don't hold back. Start bringing your dream to life by putting your product or service out there in one form or another and let it evolve from there. You may not have a product ready for instance, but you can easily start building your markets.

2. Surround yourself with people who model success in different areas
Don't operate in a void. Seek out those who really know their stuff and are willing to share their wisdom and open doors to new opportunities. Ask for help, ask lots of questions..always!

3. Focus on your passion, not the money
Let your desire to be part of something bigger than you be your driving force and you'll maintain the momentum you'll need to see it through. Money is not a long term motivator. Focusing on your PASSION will bring you more joy and inspiration.

4. It's none of your business what others think about you
Stay true to yourself, your passion, what you know is right, your plan, the desire to be a trailblazer who thinks outside the box---all of that---and don't let others bring you down or insist you can't do something. Always consider the source if you're ever going to react to what others may say about you.

5. Have a "no matter what" vision
You won't always know how to do something---you couldn't possibly know it all--- but you should have a clear image of what you really want. Stay focused and committed to THAT and you'll always be guided to the next step.

6. Every resource you need is within your grasp
If you really pay attention, you'll soon realize that every people or material resource you'll need to accomplish your goals, including money, is close by and well within your grasp. It's how God works with a great idea and a driven entrepreneur.

7. Keep immersing yourself in learning and growing as a human being
It's not just about doing your business--- you'll also want to regularly invest in your education--especially in the areas of finance, sales, marketing, spiritual and personal development--- so that you can become more strategic and intentional about your success and not so much "flying by the seat of your pants".

8. Be creative and solutions based
That's also a nice way to say never take no for answer. Be the MacGyver of your business. If you feel that you're lacking in resources, find a new way of acquiring them. Know there's a solution for every challenge!

Reserve a spot in Maria's 16-week Business Building Protégé Program and walk step-by-step into creating YOUR dream business http://passion2prosperity.com

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Are you working with STRATEGIES?

I spoke to a new client today who'd like to transform her talents into a "real business."
She thought she had been working way too hard, fleeting revenue, & not getting the results she wanted.

Here are some of the priority items we're working on. See if you can relate:

* Using a strategic blueprint to form an organized marketing effort.
*Moving her business online as much as possible to take advantage of SEM.
*Integrating the most appropriate automation technology tools.
*Creating a scalable back end foundation to manage a hundred or a million clients.
*Creating ongoing followup email campaigns for customers and collaborators.
*Plan to create multiple, passive revenue streams that allows her to attract funding more easily.

GET THIS FOR YOURSELF: Join us for part 3 of my FR*EE "Passionate Business Telesummit" on Thursday 8/13/09.
http://passionatebiz.com/ <-- click here for details