Friday, October 31, 2008

Is this a GOOD time to start a business?

I'm not getting into the doom and gloom about any "crisis" the media is portraying but it does seem that what's happening now is a natural cause and effect and like anything else, it corrects itself. So I'm just BREATHING and continue to focus on the abundance that I'd like to create in my life.

We don't freak out when the leaves start turning colors each fall, do we? When there is a hurricane, we focus on keeping ourselves safe in the present moment but also know it will pass. If there are others that choose not to get themselves to safety, I'll have compassion for them but I do not need to obsess about how their actions will impact my life.

With that said, I think NOW is still a great time to start a business!

Now more than ever it's wise to start thinking of creating income streams in your life that are not controlled by someone else. There are also more resources available now as larger businesses may cut back on marketing, PR, branding, research, etc. You can scoop these people up at very discounted rates or perhaps work out some collaborative trade.

Need funding? There is still a lot of money in circulation, of course, and investors are now considering new opportunities outside of the stock market or real estate. If you have a good deal put together, don't hesitate to start raising capital.

People are coming together to weather the "storm" so that means you have the opportunity to create unique partnerships and receive mentoring from experts.

So there are an abundance of resources out there for you and, yes, it's a great time to start something new. Make sure you tap into doing what you love so your passion will take you through any rough times --- that will be the true measure of how successful you'll be.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How To Follow Up With Customers Investors And Supporters

The phrase “out of sight, out of mind” sounds rather benign but in a growing business, that could spell disaster! If customers forget you’re out there, they won’t buy as often and referrals will be non-existent. It could feel like you’re constantly starting over rather than building on the goodwill you’ve created with existing customers. What about investors and supporters? People need to hear what’s happening on a regular basis ---even if it’s not all great. The fact that you’re reaching out is sometimes assurance enough, even during tough times. I have found that maintaining a regularly scheduled email communication program produces dramatic results in sales, referrals, and investor interest! In my Passion To Prosperity Protégé Program, I demonstrate how to create highly profitable email campaigns. For now, here are some basic strategies to help you stay in touch on a regular basis:

1. Strategize about what information you’d like to convey.
I recommend ONE communication going to your prospects and customers that’s educational and a SECOND campaign that’s more about the business---for investors, potential investors, team, and close supporters.
Customers should receive “how to’s”, “Q&A”, or some other educational content they will value, positive highlights about what the company is up to, a request for referrals, and any offer (sale/discount) you’d like to share. Your internal communication to investors and team should include a company status report, what your next steps are, and specific action items you’d like support with. Keep it short and sweet so it gets read!

2. Use a professional email service ---they’re affordable and reliable.
Avoid sending emails directly from your own email address like AOL or Yahoo. Not only will your mailing list get too large and cumbersome to manage this way, but mass emails often get pinged as SPAM and may never make it to the end user. You also run the risk of having your email address blacklisted.
I recommend an affordable service such as Aweber which is capable of safely sending email to thousands of people at a time. Your emails can contain colors and graphics, load quickly and can be preprogrammed. The system can be automated so that when someone signs in, they receive an “autoresponse” without you having to take any action. I’ve taken it up a notch and use a complete shopping cart system with built in autoresponder (a private label version of 1ShoppingCart).

3. Create a system and schedule for regular follow-up.
I recommend a communication at least monthly and stick with that day! Develop a template of your email layout so that it’s ready for you once each month and all you need to do is insert updated content. In my ezine Fast Forward, my topic headers stay the same but the content is what changes every 2 weeks. If writing is not your forte, let others help you with content for each topic. Make sure all your contact info is intact and links point back to you.

4. Make back issues available to show your progress.
Nothing sells you more to potential investors, vendors and partners then progress and momentum. Rather than you having to explain your status over and over, post archives of all your communications on your website or blog and direct people to that for updates.

Establishing a regularly scheduled email campaign has been one of the most cost effective and profitable marketing tools I’ve ever used in my business. When implemented correctly, it will dramatically increase your productivity and will help to effortlessly convert prospects into active customers, investors and strategic alliance partners.

Maria Simone is a Conscious Business Development Expert who will show you "NEXT STEPS" for transforming ideas into products, effortlessly attracting investors and sponsors, and manifesting customers with ease.

How To Manifest More Abundance In Business

I used to think that I had to make a choice between having a successful business and living an “enlightened” life—following spiritual and universal wisdom. For a long time, I thought it was either or. It didn’t dawn on me that I could have both until some years ago, I found that I was working VERY hard for all the success I had yet there were others around me who seemed to attract what they wanted with ease. The operative word being ATTRACT. I finally realized that these people were tapped into a higher consciousness and used this knowing to create the life of their dreams. Over the years I’ve sought to create that same ease of success and in doing so have completely transformed my life. Here are some things that I’ve learned that have been particularly helpful to me in creating a conscious business:

1. Attract Others To You: Take responsibility for everything that happens to you.
Once you REALLY understand that you’ve consciously or subconsciously created every situation that is happening to you, your perception of the world starts changing. You stop living by default and become much more thoughtful with your actions and your interactions with others. You stop playing the innocent bystander or victim, as the case may be, and start visualizing and expect more productive relationships and different outcomes in your business dealings. You may not have all the answers but this higher level of responsibility is more appealing to others rather than the blame game which has a repelling effect.

2. Allow Abundance to Flow: Create a new relationship with money
The thought of money as a reward is a very strong driving force for many people. It’s also a benchmark of success and status. However, the more emphasis you put on it, the more you may actually be repelling it. Money is just energy and has no value except what we give it. When you think of creating wealth, think in turns of what you will do with the money rather than the money itself. Think of clients as people with problems you have the solution to. The more people you serve, the more prosperous you’ll be…and so forth. This is especially true during the times when you think you really NEED money --- trying to pay bills, raising capital to launch your company, etc. Take the “charge” away from it and everything will start shifting around you.

3. Attract More Respect: Show up equally with everyone around you
We are all spiritual beings created perfectly equal yet we may subconsciously feel less than equal around those who are paying us to perform a service, people who may have more financial wealth or perceived success, and those who seem to be in more of a superior position. You can still respect and admire what they’ve created but you shouldn’t feel less than equal. That behavior will subconsciously cause others to treat you with less respect which may show up as payments being delayed, missed appointments, lack of recognition, broken promises and so on. If that’s happening to you, start showing up more powerfully with this other person and remind them that it’s not OK for these things to be happening and you’d like to turn that around starting today. Be equal and supportive, not subservient.

4. Manifest Quickly: Commit to having what you want first
Do you decide to allow yourself to have something once you know how it’s going to happen? Especially if it’s something you’ll have to pay for? Something like “I can’t have that because it’s too expensive and I don’t have the money for it”. True abundance will flow if you commit to having something first, even before you know HOW it’s going to happen. This works great with money and resources for your business. Without any attachment to how it will occur, continually commit to having whatever you want--- really commit to it without any judgment about the expense, the complexity of it, the logic, etc.--- and see how fast the solutions start lining up before you. What seems to be an issue or roadblock today could disappear tomorrow.

5. Choose what would make you happy, not what is always most logical
Your head may tell you that in order to achieve your goals in business you need to do certain things even though it’s a struggle, go down certain paths that may overwhelm you, or have relationships with people you don’t particular care for…and so you do. I lived like this for years letting my head rule. However, no matter how illogical it may seem at times, when I let my heart make the decisions based on what is giving me the most joy at the time, I seem to create a new unexpected solution. So keep checking in with your heart to make sure you’re enjoying your tasks. If you’re not, then expect a more abundant solution to appear (and allow it) rather than you being miserable doing things you don’t enjoy.

6. Help to create for others what you’d like for yourself
This is “give to receive” from a business perspective. Businesses rely on connections, customers, promotions, etc, to succeed. To easily create that for myself, I continuously do that for others by making introductions to resources THEY need, referrals to customers, investing in others, and creating cause marketing opportunities that support the community. It’s a continuous flow of energy that is constantly looping back to me in a way that’s more magnified from how I originally sent it out.

7. Managing too many tasks promotes scarcity
Thinking that you’re not getting it all done, there’s not enough time, and you need to take on everything at once sends out a message of JUST THAT. The Universe will agree, of course, so you’re never really able to catch up until you exhaust yourself. Learn to manage fewer priority tasks and know that everything will get done in the right time. Non-priority items seem to disappear or become non-urgent all of a sudden or you’ll find that others are showing up more frequently to help you.

8. There’s no real separation between your business and personal life
Don’t think you can have your two lives tucked away in nice separate boxes. They really are connected and as you acknowledge and embrace that, your business will take off. So maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle with plenty of playtime and an orderly home will spill over into how your business operates. If you allow your relationships at home to remain somewhat dysfunctional or disconnected, you are probably recreating those same relationships at the office or with clients.

9. Manifest success by eliminating self-judgement
Ever make a decision that in hindsight could have been handled differently and you carry the thought of “stupid, what were you thinking” around for days, months or even years? Did you ever stop to think exactly how many of those thoughts you continuously carry around with you? It’s mind boggling when you really think how hard we are on ourselves. Those thoughts only add fuel to the “I’m not good enough and I don’t deserve success” fire. When you replace that with more loving “I’m a magnificent human being and I’m doing the best that I can”, you’ll find that success seems to flow more easily towards you and it’s not fleeting.

As a conscious business development expert, I find that developing and implementing the proper business strategies is just as important as removing any limiting beliefs that hold you back. Learn to replace limiting beliefs with new thoughts that will actually help accelerate success at