Friday, May 28, 2010

Is it time for a REVENUE MAKEOVER?-- Here's your sign

The other night I was in stitches watching comedian Bill Engvall perform his wildly popular routine “here’s your sign..” where he points out people who are oblivious to the obvious and then gives them a “sign” as a warning to the rest of us to stay clear. I got to thinking about how as business owners we get so caught up in the “doing” of our business, we may not always see if these activities are in our best interest to be doing, if they’re really helping us achieve the results we desire or if there is an easier and more cost effective way to achieve similar or better results.
I’ve been very busy these past few months strategizing with people who want to move from what they feel is a “stuck” place and into a position of creating true abundance in their business. The place of being in the zone as it relates to revenue, relationships, recognition for your work, happy customers, etc. I use a 4-part process that is guaranteed to get you results and this month I packaged it into a complete system that you can take into your business and in 30 day increments, can completely transform the results you’re getting. The people I’ve been working with have reported that all my strategies have been fairly easy to implement and have produced profound results. They were just so close to their situation, they couldn’t always see what the very best solution for them was. Go to 30 Day Revenue Makeover for pre-launch specials or to download a FREE program overview which will help address some of your most immediate needs.
Wondering if you need a revenue makeover? Here are a few “signs” to look for:

1. Feeling less than passionate about what you’re doing these days and find yourself doing tasks that don’t bring you joy.

2. Too busy trying to stay ahead to focus on long term goals or your vision.

3. Business you were counting on seems to go away very easily.

4. Feeling like you can’t really handle on any new business even though you need the revenue.

5. Don’t have enough resources to accomplish your goals.

6. Revenue coming in the door but there aren’t enough profits going into your
bank account.

7. Having trouble delegating to others so you find yourself doing most of the work.

8. Too much time being spent on busy activities and serving customers and not enough time bringing in new revenue.

9. Constantly having to attract new customers who’ll buy your products and services and it feels like you’re recreating your business each month.

10. Have a great product or service but people don’t seem to get it.

11. Feel like there’s too much competition and no one is buying from you.

12. Can’t seem to attract or retain the right support people who see your vision and are willing to carry it out.

13. Expenses so high you’re not sure if you’re even making a profit.

14. Marketing strategies that used to work don’t seem to have the same effect anymore.

15. Have a negligible budget to invest in any additional advertising or marketing.

Sometimes people think if they just had more money, their problems will be solved but that’s not necessarily the case. You can make some simple changes in how you approach your business, how you approach your customers, streamlining your operations, and zero- cost marketing efforts and this may completely change your revenue landscape without any additional financial investment. So if you feel like YOU could use a revenue makeover, think new strategies and simply go to 30 Day Revenue to make a purchase at the special pre-launch price AND use coupon code 50 off to get an additional $50 off. To discuss next steps to creating spiritually rewarding and financially abundant businesses, email to schedule a private consultation.

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