Monday, October 19, 2009

Use the Triple S formula to grow your business

I can usually tell very quickly what kind of revenue someone has and how sustaining their growth will be by using my Triple S formula:

* Systems

* Structure

* Scalability

Without it, you may feel that you own a job and work hard to stay ahead.
Without enough of the Triple S, you may not be able to break through revenue thresholds.

Want a million dollar business? Think Triple S!

We'll be discussing what it means and how you can have all this on our next Abundance Mastermind Group Call.

Tuesday, October 20th at 12pm pacific/ 3pm eastern.
You can join this call and next month's call for FR*EE when you purchase my ebook:

"Passion To Prosperity: Instant Ways To Profit From Your Skills and Talents".

During our call, I'll lay out key areas of your business where you want to create systems, structure and scalability to help you break through any revenue plateuas you may be experiencing.

I'll also take questions about how to integrate it in yours.
I'll help you shift your thinking about how to create that million dollar business AND you'll have specific action steps to take after the call.

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