Thursday, February 5, 2009

Working Past The FEAR To Take The Next Step

This topic is worthy of an article, a book…even several days devoted to it.

Many people are simply paralyzed with fear and unable to move forward these days. One of the most effective ways to deal with fear is to DEAL with it. What are you so afraid of? Give it context so it’s not this illusive, looming monster. Rejection? Failure? Not being good enough? Success? Risking your life savings? Losing a relationship? Look at each of these one-by-one and do what you can to reduce the risks or simply realize the issues are not as “dangerous” as they feel. Worst case scenario? Chances of it actually happening? You’ll find it’s all an illusion anyway and can be shifted quickly but you may have to work through some it this to get to that conclusion. The fears will start shrinking and you can keep moving forward.

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