Monday, March 14, 2011

Moving into ease and flow

The more clear we become about what we want to accomplish, the people we want to attract, & the life we want to live, the easier it can become. It's the lack of choosing--- that living by default and dealing with whatever shows up-- that creates chaos and disappointment. Allow your heart and soul to share truth and see what shows up. Commit to the allowing and stop denying yourself the very things you want simply because they don’t seem logical or others are telling you there’s no way. There’s always a way.

1 comment:

bodhi said...

Right on, Maria! I am so happy and grateful now that I have attracted:
- Abundant meaningful gratifying work that deeply nourishes my heart, mind, body and soul.
- Abundant prosperity that allows me the financial freedom to travel, to connect with kindred souls all over the world, and share with them the blessings of my life.
- An approach to living that engenders gratitude, joy, and love and effortlessly supports my ease and flow, and by extension, the ease and flow of others in my life.
In gratitude and love,