Friday, December 30, 2011

A Village has YOU to thank...

I wanted to take a moment to wish you many abundant blessings as we usher in 2012!

As a token of my gratitude to all those in my life, I've taken a percentage of my revenue
and donated to something very special on YOUR behalf.

This year I purchased livestock so different villages would have continuous access to fresh milk, eggs
and the ability to plow their land.
I did it through an organization called where you can choose water buffalo, goats, milking cows, etc.

(FYI: this is a SUSTAINABLE donation as the Village has ongoing use of this gift--they don't eat their "assets".)

I've also contributed to , various local food banks and organizations that
empower others through education. My local charity of choice this year is .

I enjoy giving back and especially enjoy doing so on someone else's behalf so THANK YOU!

I know we've all experienced many changes these past few years and it feels like 2012 will be
a year of miracles!

 Wishing you Peace, Love and Holiday Blessings! ~M

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Shifting Overwhelm Into Opportunity

Feeling overwhelmed? So much to do you’re not even sure what’s next?

Breathe. Just stop for a moment.

What you consider overwhelm could merely be a series of OPTIONS the Universe has laid out before you.

It doesn’t need to get done all at once and it doesn’t all have to get done by you.

Slow down. Choose 1 or 2 priority items.

Let go a bit. Ask for help. Delegate.

There is no race and you won’t miss out on an opportunity.

That’s fear talking.

You’ll create opportunities over and over in your life.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The SOUNDS of my life near the beach as the 4th approaches...


Waves crashing and kids yelling out to their parents, Police and Coast Guard helicopters circling around periodically, lawn mowers out in full force, grills being scraped and cleaned, watermelons getting chopped up, golfers being announced overhead at the golf course, cars honking at surfers running across PCH rushing to catch their perfect wave, bicycle bells sound like a chorus as people give up driving for the weekend, music blaring from convertibles…. All music to my ears and I’m ready to go out and play too. Wishing you a fabulous Forth of July!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

You Haven't Failed-- You Just Need A New Plan

Feeling stuck is not the time to give up…it’s not the time to judge yourself or label your efforts failed. It’s just time for a new plan. It means you’re ready for the next level of support. There’s something that needs to break through. Give yourself some breathing room, let go a bit. Build a new team. Tap into new sources of funding. Do something else. Just don’t give up. You haven’t failed…you just need a new plan.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Present in front of our investor panel...

The Enlightened Entrepreneur Summit can be summed up as an “experience” more than anything else!

Not only will you have the opportunity of immersing yourself for 3 days in getting dynamic business building support from a very enlightened group of thought leaders and pillars in the business community, but you’ll also have the complimentary opportunity to present your idea or existing business to a group of investors who will give you valuable feedback whether you’re raising capital or want accelerated growth strategies.

Are you clear about what you have to offer and who you’re serving? Do you understand how to move your products and services quickly into the hands of your customers? Are your values in true alignment with your business? Have you taken the time to surround yourself with people that have achieved similar goals? These are some of the answers you’ll discover by attending the summit.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Moving into ease and flow

The more clear we become about what we want to accomplish, the people we want to attract, & the life we want to live, the easier it can become. It's the lack of choosing--- that living by default and dealing with whatever shows up-- that creates chaos and disappointment. Allow your heart and soul to share truth and see what shows up. Commit to the allowing and stop denying yourself the very things you want simply because they don’t seem logical or others are telling you there’s no way. There’s always a way.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

We continue to send love

… and healing energy out from our hearts, allowing it to wrap around the planet and blanket those who are suffering such loss in Japan this day.

The most wonderful of all things in life...

"…I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life." ~Hugh Walpole

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The only people for me are the mad ones

…the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"  ~Jack Kerouac

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Very Special Welcome Home

6 young soldiers were on my flight to Salt Lake City today. This was their final destination after serving 18 months in Afghanistan... They were tired and missing their families.
What was beautiful was the crowd of people waiting for them in the terminal. Family, well wishers, vets, cycling clubs. They were all there and It was quite beautiful to watch! Knowing how much they deserved it brought tears to my eyes!


Sent from my iPhone

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jen Aniston Sex Video---Now THIS Is Marketing

How do you convey your message, connect with your market, be authentic AND go viral.

Hmmmm…I would check out this video for some pointers.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Innovation with a feminine twist...

Looking forward to my coaching sessions today--- all with women putting together new business models, creating a “new way” of doing something. Feels great to be a part of all these new paradigms and blazing new trails.

Monday, January 3, 2011

5 Simple Strategies To Help You Achieve Your Goals

I’m all for having a milestone, a goal, or an “end game” on any project I’m working on. It gives me something to focus my intention on and ultimately moves me towards what I most desire with more ease and flow. It’s manifestation at its finest! So here are some ways to make your goals S.M.A.R.T so that you’ll actually FULFILL your New Year’s resolutions or take that dusty business plan off the shelf and put it to work!

1. S- SPECIFIC. Before you start out on your Yellow Brick Road, make sure you’ve addressed the 6 “W’s”—Who, What, Where, When, Which and Why. This will help you put things in perspective and understand up front the people and resources you’ll need to succeed. For example you might say “lose weight” but perhaps a more specific goal would be to “join Weight Watchers, follow their program and attend live meetings once each week until I lose 20 pounds.”

2. M – Measurable. You need to be able to track your progress—of lack thereof—with anything you’re working on. Make sure that’s built into any goal you’ve set out to achieve. If you can chart progress then you’re more likely to keep moving forward. If there is no progress based on what’s being measured, then you need to be able to make immediate corrections.

3. A- Attainable. I love dreaming big but when aiming for the stars, it’s a lot easier to take a series of smaller steps to get there then it is to keep trying to actually JUMP up to stars. So hold on to that big, hairy audacious dream of yours but plan a series of shorter, more attainable goals that are more likely to get you there AND you believe that you’ll achieve!

4. R- Realistic. Could be a great goal but if you don’t own it, you may never achieve it. Make sure it’s something you really want AND willing to do what it takes to get there. If not, it may not even be worth starting.

5. T- Time. Putting a TIMEFRAME on achieving your goals helps you achieve it faster since it’s now rooted in something specific. If not time, then choose something else that’s tangible and can be experienced such as one of the senses.

To schedule your complimentary “Passion to Prosperity Strategy Session” to discuss creating your own S.M.A.R.T goals, contact Maria Simone by sending an email to