Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ways To Build Your Company’s Karma-01K Plan

Years ago I became acutely aware that our actions in the present set the stage for all our future circumstances. Some people know it to be “karma”, or the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. I believe understanding and appreciating this dynamic at play in our lives is at the core of living a conscious, enlightened life. I’ve seen this cause and effect manifest instantly and at other times, it shows up months or years later. But it’s there nonetheless. For instance, someone who is regularly disrespectful to those around him cannot expect to be treated with much respect himself or at least won’t be able to see it even if it is happening to him. The same actions are true with regard to money, love, and success.

With this knowledge, I’ve committed to living more responsibly and impeccably in the present –and to always be in the present – and know that I’m paving the way for a more joyful and abundant future. Especially as it relates to Business. When I’m working with clients, my “secret sauce” is to balance business knowledge with Universal knowledge so that true success can be realized more effortlessly. I’ve watched my clients become magnets for money relationships and resources while having a lot more fun.

There are actions we can all take each day in our business to set the stage for more respect, love, joy and financial abundance to flow into our own lives. For those that have a 401K plan established in their life, you know that it requires small, regularly scheduled contributions to reap the rewards later on. Same with your Karma-01K plan. If you take the time each day to make a deposit into your “Good Karma” account, you’ll have a wonderful cushion of support to fall back on. Unlike your traditional 401K Plan however, you can begin reaping the rewards immediately and there are no early withdrawal penalties. Think of all the wealth you’ll accumulate with simple daily deposits.

Here are just a few of mine...please share yours as well!

1. Invest some of your time and money in those who are coming up behind you.

2. Look for ways to collaborate with a competitor.

3. Tell your team how much you appreciate them.

4. Reduce waste, conserve energy and recycle as much as possible.

5. Take a day off once in awhile to recharge “just because”.

6. Make it easy for others around you to do the same.

7. Give gifts for no reason.

8. Volunteer with a charity organization dedicated to improving quality of life.

9. Create a community project that your team, customers and vendors can get involved with.

10. Set aside products or services to regularly give away for fundraising activities.

11. Offer to write an endorsement or letter of recommendation for someone before being asked.

12. Let someone’s boss know what a great job their employee did.

13. Give something away to a prospective customer.

14. Connect two people who you know should meet.

15. Back away from profit activities that exploit or take advantage of others.

To discuss next steps to creating spiritually rewarding and financially abundant businesses, email for a private consultation.

Share your "Good Karma" deposit tips below!

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