Tuesday, May 19, 2009

7 Practical Steps To Create The Business of Your Dreams, Part 1

Planning and launching a successful business calls for many elements to be aligned including, vision, planning commitment, etc. There’s a sequence of events that lends itself to success in our Free Enterprise system and if you follow them, you can dramatically improve your chances of success. Businesses that get stuck or lose momentum are usually out of sequence and you merely need to refer back to the model to get back on track.

I’ve put together 7 very practical core steps to launch a business successfully. These strategies apply primarily to an offline business and when I use them for online projects, they help me accelerate.

1. Clarify your VISION.
Take some time to understand what you want YOUR life to look like and are you passionate about what you’re doing? Does this new concept fit the lifestyle you desire? Check in with experts to help initially validate your idea. It’s critical that you’re personally aligned with your business otherwise you’ll lose steam or possibly sabotage efforts along the way. Could be a great idea but if you don’t love it you won’t follow through. You may absolutely love your idea but if the risks outweigh the rewards or the market isn’t big enough, it may not be worth the effort. If you’re in business now but losing steam, go back and find your purpose for it again to renew your passion!

2. PLAN for success.
You may opt to do this in stages but some business planning is essential for success. As with any journey, a roadmap is necessary in order to quickly and safely get to your destination. Same premise applies for your business. It’s also much easier to test your concepts on paper first before investing too much time and money. The planning stage is a great time to detail your markets, the products & services you’ll be offering, how you’ll serve your customers and how much it will cost to accomplish all of the above. This is where I would also perform beta testing or achieve local sales to “test the waters” so to speak. Validate along the way before launching full out! I have worked with many clients who thought their business would look one way but when we worked it out on paper, they realized another expression would be best.

3. Build a TEAM.
The sooner the better! Start looking for people who can assist with industry expertise, business development, those who represent your market, support you emotionally, mastermind your concepts, etc. Those who will fill in the gaps of your plan--- will you be a retail store, an online entity, print catalog?? These people will work ON your business. You’ll also want to attract operational, sales and marketing support when the time is right--- plan for it so that you can activate a wonderful manifestation cascade! When we work through this process with our clients, they inevitably come to realize that the people they most needed in their business were already in their life. They just hadn’t properly defined the support they needed. This was the case for Cathy who realized, after working through this step, a high level contact she needed to a sports organization was someone she actually knew and had access to!

4. Plan for and access Funding Resources.
There are literally DOZENS of ways to fund your business so it’s not necessary to struggle without having the proper resources. Unless you’re completely capable of self-funding, skipping this step could result in sluggish starts, lots of stress and a general failure to launch. Establish a funding plan early on and start accessing the resources BEFORE you need them so that you’ll have what you need for salaries, product development and to execute a proper sales and marketing plan. HINT: “create a viral marketing campaign through word of mouth” isn’t necessarily without costs. Funding could include pre-selling strategies, corporate sponsors, business lines of credit and private investors.

In our next issue I’ll share Part II and the remaining 3 strategies. Maria Simone helps those who want to transform their talents to create 6 and 7 figure businesses. Learn more at http://www.passion2prosperity.com

Friday, May 15, 2009

Build your business without working harder?

I have to tell you I was brought up with the notion that financial success = HARD work & struggle.
Even though my family was financially comfortable growing up, I hardly saw my father as he managed his busy law firm.
I also don't recall many people in my life expressing passion for the work they were doing... mostly working to make a living.
I do remember a fun-loving cousin who was the only real entrepreneur of the family yet who was regularly laughed at for having "pipe dreams".
Ah, such is life! I'm sure I wasn't alone.

Needless to say, I worked very hard for all of my past professional and financial successes but 7 years ago that started to change as I immersed myself in spiritual transformation and personal growth.
I was absolutely committed to creating abundance with more ease and flow!

Today, I've learned to infuse more CONSCIOUS business building strategies into everything I do and it has had a dramatic impact on my professional advances, relationships, opportunities presented, flow of income, and so much more.

Tuesday, May 19th, is our next monthly "Abundance Mastermind Group" Coaching call and I'll be presenting :
"Creating Prosperity with Conscious Business Building Strategies"

You've heard about the Universal Laws but do you know how they specifically apply to your business?
I've found out many people either don't know or just get think it's all about Law of Attraction.
On Tuesday, I'll share my secret recipes with you. I specifically focus in on the areas of money flow, productivity, joy, & relationship.
This is where they've had the greatest impact in my life and business. Believe me, we're going BEYOND Law of Attraction.

How would YOU like to join us and receive 2 months FR*EE in my Abundance Mastermind coaching group?
Simply go to http://passion2prosperitybook.com/ and when you purchase my ebook & audio program at the discounted price, you'll receive your complimentary membership.(Existing Members in good standing will receive specific details soon...you're invited to simply share this with others.)

Without working HARDER in your business, on our call I'll show you how to:

*Dramatically increase productivity
*Improve your business relationships so people are really supporting you
*Gain more respect & support from your peers as well as mentors
*Attract more customers, investors and contracts for accelerated growth
*Quickly increase your revenue to move into ease and flow

I've done it for myself, I've been showing my clients how to do it and now I'm sharing it with you----for FR*EE.
http://passion2prosperitybook.com/ <---- click to purchase & teleclass details will be emailed immediately.

If after our call you feel that the strategies I share have no bearing on YOUR life, I would be HAPPY to issue you a refund. I know this call will change your perception of how you do business AND life so don't miss out!

To your SUCCESS!
Maria Simone

PS Want more step-by-step support? There's still room in our Protégé Program http://passion2prosperity.com/program

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Marketing Strategies I Learned Studying Epidemics

During my years training to be become a pharmacist, I studied epidemiology ---the study of disease origin & spread--- and subsequently did a rotation at the New York City Poison Control Center & Bellevue Hospital. Not exactly cocktail party conversation! Studying the history of epidemics taught me a lot about marketing although I didn’t realize it until years later. Most of us have seen the media hype about the swine flu but what you don’t see is the behind the scenes activities of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), WHO (World Health Organization) and other agencies involved. There are very controlled, predictable, scientific and highly measurable methods being applied to quickly isolate the origin of the illness, know ideal conditions for infection, ID the organism markers to create a vaccine, and ultimately prevent the spread of it. So while the media was questioning whether or not this would prove to be a devastating pandemic, I had 100% confidence that it would be contained sooner than later (with prayers going out to those who have been affected).

The nature of an epidemic is predictable once you understand what to look for and while the world is working on activities to PREVENT the spread of the illness, some of these same activities can be applied BACKWARDS in marketing to achieve “epidemic” results (or “viral” results as it’s more commonly called). I apply these strategies when marketing for new customers, meeting ideal investor candidates, or attracting perfect Joint Venture candidates.

1. Identify the point of origin.
Every epidemic has a first encounter--- the first infected--- and it’s important to know who that person is to better understand the inherent characteristics that activated the spread of the disease. In marketing, those would be your IDEAL clients. What conditions must be present for them to not only have a sense of urgency working with you or buying from you but also cause them to TALK about you? Who benefits the most from what you do? Who has the most to gain? Experiencing the biggest results? It’s not necessarily a demographic but a physical person --- especially if you want to recreate the same conditions in others!

2. How is it specifically transmitted?
As it relates to the Swine Flu epidemic, the method is close airborne transmission. Therefore people are encouraged to wear masks, avoid contact with eyes and wash their hands frequently. When you understand who your ideal client is, then it’s important to understand how to enable them to quickly spread the word about you. Word of mouth, video, some type of collateral material? You’ll want to do what it takes to make it very easy for your client to carry out this activity. Study their patterns and then completely enable and simplify the process. Don’t make it complicated!

3. Follow the formation of clusters.
You’ll inevitably have isolated clusters of individuals being infected. From a marketing perspective you want to study and recreate those conditions to increase the frequency of clusters until all the clusters are ultimately connecting. You could start out simply by following in the footsteps of your ideal client by going where they go, know who they know, etc., until you connect with others with the same characteristics.

4. Focus your efforts on those most “susceptible”.
The entire population could be at risk for infection but realistically there’s always a smaller subset that is most susceptible and that’s usually where resources are allocated. If the risks are dramatically reduced with that smaller group, then the larger population will most likely be safe. So in marketing, it’s wise to allocate your resources on a subset of the population—your niche. You’ll be able to penetrate that market quickly with laser focus and then will be able to spill over to the rest of the population.

5. Watch for mutation and respond according.
It is expected that the infecting agent will change and mutate as time goes on--- that’s precisely why a new flu vaccine is released once each year in August and then destroyed after May. Accepting that “change is constant” in your market will help you stay on top of your game and prepare accordingly. Stay in touch with your ideal clients, make sure you’re regularly meeting their needs.

6. Gather all your data and formulate a vaccine.
Ideally there will be enough initial epidemiology data to immediately start working on a cure (if none is available) and a vaccine for prevention. As part of your marketing campaign, you’ll want to carefully study what’s working and package that into a process that can easily be duplicated over and over. That’s a key to automation and quickly getting your message out to the masses.

7. Be bold, communicate big, make a lot of noise!
The agencies involved with any epidemic have a very defined emergency response program in place to reach the general population with warnings and instructions. They depend on the coordinated support of others to help them in this regard. Includes reverse 911, daily reports to the media outlets (newspapers, TV and radio), schools texting students, and much more. Your marketing (in the form of education, instruction, relationship building, etc) should also include big and bold communication with the help of others so people will listen to YOUR message and take action.

You can actually watch these events being played out during the current Swine Flu epidemic. ~~ Maria Simone helps those who want to transform their talents to create 6 and 7 figure businesses. Learn more at http://www.passion2prosperity.com/

Monday, May 4, 2009

Seriously, is that what you're wearing?

I'm not a makeover specialist but I do know that intuitively, how you present yourself can make a big difference on how you energetically feel as well as how others perceive you. If you maintain impeccable grooming and dress at least one notch more formally than everyone around you, you will immediately be placed in a subtle position of authority, safety and trust with those around you. If that's you're desire, than go for it. Also, beware of clothing that's too restrictive, no matter how fashionable it is. Others may actually feel that way around you and not know why. So be conscious of how you want to be perceived and the scenario you'd like to create in any situation, then dress accordingly.