Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Getting Ready For New Business In 2010
Here are some things you can do to “clear the path” for new business in 2010:
1. Are your desires in alignment with the path you’re on?
Many start out full of purpose and passion and then somewhere along the way start losing steam. The further you stray from what truly drives you, the more difficult it is to grow your business. Make it a priority to re-align your goals with what’s driving you.
2. Re-evaluate relationships that aren’t serving you.
Having strong support around you can feel like wind beneath your wings. However, when you’re experiencing conflict or lack of support, it can drain your energy and slow your progress. Gracefully back away from people that aren’t supporting you or have your best interests at heart.
3. Take time to create a process for your major activities.
The more systems you have in place, the more your productivity will increase. This includes everything from intake of information, how you follow up with customers and investors, and a marketing schedule.
4. Organize your office.
Working with clutter or disorganization will have a direct correlation on the flow of revenue coming into your business. Make it a point to properly organize your work areas.
5. Evaluate new technologies.
You’ll want to know what the latest technologies are that will help you automate some marketing aspects of your business, increase your productivity, and provide for more mobile interfaces. Take time to learn and then implement some of these in 2010.
6. Communicate regularly with your customers.
One of the fastest ways to increase your revenue is to offer additional products and services to existing customers as well as receive referrals from those customers. Creating new ways to stay in touch with your customers in 2010 could prove to be very profitable.
7. Connect with your prospects.
Prospective customers require up to 7 impressions from you to make a buying decision. Plan on creating more connection and building more value with this group of people. This could occur via email or direct encounter with you.
8. Create a plan for acquiring resources to support your new growth.
As you plan for various growth spurts in 2010, make sure you’re similarly planning to fund this growth. This could include self-funding strategies, pre-selling, raising money from private investors, etc. You don’t want your growth to exceed your ability to service this growth otherwise you’ll find yourself imploding.
9. Determine what levels of expertise/experience will be required.
Unless you’re planning on having “more of the same” in 2010, you may require some new skills to help manage the new business. Plan for continuing education for yourself or consider building a team with all the expertise you require.
10. Re-evaluate your priorities as it pertains to revenue.
What may have worked last year may not be as lucrative in 2010. Market trends are shifting so this is a great time to develop new revenue goals. I recommend doing some basic research and speaking with existing customers to get a feel for any shifts.
You may reprint this article in its entirety with author's contact and bio information.
Maria Simone is a dynamic speaker, author, and transformational business strategist. As the “Passion To Prosperity Diva”, she helps entrepreneurs package and monetize their talents to create 6 or 7 figure businesses. She’s appeared on ABC News, Fox TV, and in Business Week, Success Magazine, and many other publications.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
In A Small Village, A Goat Bears Your Name
This year I decided to expand my support and purchase goats and chickens that help sustain lives in various villages around the world.
The contribution seems nominal considering the overall impact it will have...and it was blessed in your name.
One of the driving factors of creating abundance is the ability to give back and help change someone's life and I have found that if I focus on that goal in business, financial abundance seems to flow in a lot easier.
Think about this: What would you do with an extra $1000, $10,000, or $100,000 per month in revenue?
If you're interested in doing the same, I encourage you to contact your local food banks or perhaps connect with one of these organizations to make a donation or to make a micro-loan:
If you're committed to creating more financial success in 2010, don't forget to join me for my 30 Day Revenue Makeover starting TONIGHT <--- click here to register
I'll be sharing specific strategies of how to put more to your bottom line, leveraging what you already have to create more revenue, and attracting more customers.
Wishing you many blessings during this holiday season!
Maria Simone
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
8 Ways a Mentor/Advisor Can Help You Grow Your Business
1. Let them share their experience of having made the journey.
Have someone on hand who has traveled a similar path in business and ask them to help you with future pacing. They can easily stay a few steps ahead of you because they’ve been there and know the trail. Knowing your options means fewer obstacles, less risk and acceleration to your goals.
2. Allow them to offer Moral Support.
It’s imperative to have someone around you who can be your moral compass and/or provide emotional support. That will help you stay grounded and reduce the number of “what was I thinking” crazy kind of days that occasionally do pop up.
3. Position them as a funding magnet.
Someone who has raised capital and turned it into profit or has achieved success in your industry can probably duplicate their efforts. This is a huge risk reducer and investors like that.
4. Receive CEO/Leadership Development Support.
You’ll want support as you evolve your inner-self so that as your business grows, you’re able to effectively lead your team.
5. Help understanding financial forecasting.
You may have “people” that manage your books or run your numbers but it’s also helpful to get perspective from someone who has managed millions or even billions in revenue if this person isn’t already on your payroll.
6. Let the connectors open doors for you.
Why stand in line when you don’t have to. Let someone else make the necessary introductions to new business and other opportunities. Move past the gatekeepers.
7. Ask the creatives to help you innovate.
Brainstorm with your creative and visionary advisors to come up with amazing new product or marketing ideas or ways to package it all.
8. Allow the influencers to help celebritize you.
If you are associated with people who are highly regarded in the public’s eye, chances are your status will also be elevated as they make your connection public. Similar to what a book endorsement does for an author.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Ready for a makeover?
Whatever "it" means to you--- we all have something we go to for that pick-me-up.
Makeovers allow us to resume our lives re-invigorated, confident and joyful.
I feel the same is true for our add INCREASED REVENUE to the mix.
So, beginning December 5th, I'm offering you a POWERFUL "30 Day Revenue Makeover" Teleclass Series --my treat. <--the video will give you perspective!
I'll share strategies covering 3 specific areas to help you create massive shifts in the New Year:
*New growth--
I'll help you with some marketing tips that work FAST to help expand your current customer base.
*Leveraging what you've already created-- You have assets and resources that aren't being fully utilized.
*Putting more to the bottom line--
Today, less is more. I'll show you how to improve efficiencies and mindset to increase profits.
Good things come in 3's and I've organized the event in 3 parts over 30 days.
Don't underestimate the value of this call...this is good stuff!
I'll be sharing strategies I help clients with during our paid sessions.
This is a great time to be in business, especially if you're getting the results you want.
If you're stuck or thinking "what's next", it may be time for a 30 Day Revenue Makeover.
**I can help but you have to be registered.** <-- register here today.
I truly look forward to connecting with you on the calls...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
YES ---Social Networking Is Good For Biz
1. View your social networking activities as an extension of your marketing plan.
Consider duplicating online the activities you participate in to attract and educate prospective customers. The more of a strategic marketing plan you already have, the easier it is to execute this strategy on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
2. Identify and follow your prospective customers.
You probably have an idea who your ideal customer is so it shouldn’t be so difficult to search for them either by name or descriptive qualities. Follow them and who they know and you’ll create a snowball effect of followers thereafter.
3. Identify and follow people you’d like to partner with.
There are plenty of people out there who have complimentary services and who reach a similar demographic. It’s easier to meet and start a conversation online. You’ll take it offline and strike up a deal in no time! Same approach applies for investors, mentors, and other resource people.
4. Share yourself authentically.
Give information freely, answer questions, ask questions, share resource links, start conversations with people on your list, chime in on conversations of others. Also, if you regularly share and promote the postings of others, your periodic self-promotion will be accepted.
5. Connect to the media.
I like to follow anyone involved in radio, TV, or print not only to follow their perspective on current events but to also be in ready mode to be interviewed or take advantage of some other publicity related opportunity that comes my way.
6. Be gracious at all times.
What happens online stays online. Period.
7. It is what you make of it.
Approaching this in a focused, systematic way while engaging in daily conversations will yield you positive results. If you don’t think Social Networking is worth it and participate only sporadically, it will NOT yield measurable results.
8. Rave about your colleagues, friends and customers.
What goes around comes around--- they will talk about you too and others will notice the buzz!
9. Keep a schedule and automate some of your activities.
There are tools such a FriendFeed. and Posterous allowing you to update all your profiles at the same time which multiples your efforts. Also, just spending as little as 15 minutes twice daily has an impact.
10. Invite people to cross over to your “island”
Where do you do business? If you want people to join you in a program, come to your store or visit your website, it’s a lot easier to simply ASK them to join you once they know who you are.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Your ability to SCALE is an indicator of growth potential
One of the cornerstones of a business that experiences healthy growth is its ability to scale or increase its volume without impacting the contribution margin (Contribution margin= revenue - variable costs). The ability to do more with less. If you haven’t created scalability in your business, you’ll always struggle with growth and especially with breaking through revenue ceilings. If this becomes an issue then it doesn’t matter how much marketing or sales support you may have. If you’re business isn’t set up to scale, you’ll max out on the number of customers you can serve and cap out on revenue.
Even before you launch your business, you’d have a difficult time getting an investor or bank to bank you if your revenue potential was limited.
Here are some key areas you may want to avoid as a start-up or small business:
1. Trading time for dollars.
You may have started out getting paid for your individual services but at some point you’ll want to be compensated for VALUE, not time. If you want to put a price on your time, it would then become a premium item. This could include moving into group facilitation and away form one-to-one experiences. Perhaps turn a process or instruction into an online automated activity, a book, or audio/video experience. The opportunities to transform a talent into a scalable product or service are bountiful. People will then be able to compensate you for value, not time.
2. Intellectual Property that serves a finite purpose.
The technical word here is obsolescence which is when something loses values because the world around it (tastes) have changed. Streetlamps and streetlamp lighters became obsolete when electricity was invented. The pet rock became obsolete after it’s first wave. Whatever your “it” is, make sure it has the ability to expand, grow and evolve as time goes on. Rather than a title for one book, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen created an anthology franchise of Chicken Soup books that are still breaking records. Over the years, how many variations of Windows have you had to purchase for your computer?
3. Lack of automation.
If your dream is to help as many people as possible, then you’ll want to serve your market without limitation and in a way that is most cost effective to the business. Virtually every area of your business can have some type of automation to increase efficiencies and output--- more people being served! Start with manufacturing then on to the delivery of your goods and services. Order processing, follow-up and marketing are key areas to look at as well. Also, is there any continuity with existing customers or does your relationship end after a sale? This is why even a follow up email Autoresponder system can make such a difference.
4. Lack of trained personnel.
That’s often a bottleneck in a business…especially if the CEO is wearing all the hats and hasn’t taken the time to train & delegate. Make sure there are people around you that you can offset responsibilities too. Outsource these functions initially if you’re a start-up but treat it as a priority, not a secondary thought.
5. Undefined business model.
It’s difficult to create scalability if you’re just trying make money from a variety of sources but haven’t tied it all together. What’s at the core of your business? Is it just you or is there a website or some other presence that’s independent of you?
You may reprint this article in its entirety with author's contact and bio information.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Use the Triple S formula to grow your business
* Systems
* Structure
* Scalability
Without it, you may feel that you own a job and work hard to stay ahead.
Without enough of the Triple S, you may not be able to break through revenue thresholds.
Want a million dollar business? Think Triple S!
We'll be discussing what it means and how you can have all this on our next Abundance Mastermind Group Call.
Tuesday, October 20th at 12pm pacific/ 3pm eastern.
You can join this call and next month's call for FR*EE when you purchase my ebook:
"Passion To Prosperity: Instant Ways To Profit From Your Skills and Talents".
During our call, I'll lay out key areas of your business where you want to create systems, structure and scalability to help you break through any revenue plateuas you may be experiencing.
I'll also take questions about how to integrate it in yours.
I'll help you shift your thinking about how to create that million dollar business AND you'll have specific action steps to take after the call.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Can funding too early on actually slow you down?
Here are some issues that I’ve seen crop up with those who had access to unlimited funding early on:
1. The people on your team may be more interested in a paycheck than your vision.
Oprah says it best “everyone would like to ride in the limo with you but you really want people who would also ride the bus with you too.” It’s easier to see who’s in it for the money or the dream when times are lean. Surround yourself with these people early on when it’s easier to make the distinctions.
2. Rushing into production before “selling” your concept.
When funds are limited, you’re inclined to do more testing with your product or service to see if this is what your market REALLY wants. I’ve seen way too many people invest too much early on into production without properly understanding their markets only to have to go back to the drawing board over and over again. The saying “measure twice, cut once” applies here.
3. Lack of validation for your concept.
The business planning process is the best way to sketch out your core business model for others to see and improve upon and to “dry test” in the market BEFORE launching. What are your primary revenue streams, who are your customers, exactly HOW will your get your product or service in their hands and how much will this cost? Those with unlimited funds often skip the planning and testing part and get into the DOING part sooner than later which can prove costly.
4. Managing too much initial growth.
I’m all for planning and thinking big but there’s nothing wrong with taking small steady steps to achieve your goals. You want to manage growth by focusing on 1-2 core revenue streams at a time, creating systems, structure and scalability so that you can become unstoppable. Throwing funds at a situation for rapid growth does not ensure success. Creating the proper infrastructure, having a product customers really want and topping that with a great sales and marketing plan does foster success.
5. Loss of creativity and innovation.
Some of our greatest solutions are derived when we’re under pressure, have limited resources and must improvise, or have naysayers telling us it can’t be done. Has that ever happened to you? This is precisely the moment when we create that “entrepreneur’s magic” and become the “MacGyver” of our business. Conditions must be ripe for it and I’ve found that type of innovation and creativity doesn’t have as often when there are unlimited resources at our disposal.
6. Less apt to seek out guidance
I notice that people that have limited funds are more likely to actively and creatively seek out support and ask lots of questions. And there are plenty of people who will graciously and truthfully answer your questions if you should ask! I have found that if you are paying all your advisors, they are less likely to be truly forthcoming with their opinions for fear of losing their paid engagement.
So next time you think “if only I had the money” perhaps be grateful at that moment for the opportunity to really test the merits of your idea and to enroll people in your vision, not just a paycheck.
You may reprint this article in its entirety with author's contact and bio information.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Ways to build VALUE in your business, part II
Many people think the value in their business is primarily tied to revenue only so they tend to undervalue their worth when it comes time to sell. I’ve spoken to many CEO’s (including yours truly) who felt they left “too much on the table” when it was time to sell their business or negotiate a deal because they didn’t take many other factors into consideration.
This is also an important issue when it’s time to attract investors or put together strategic alliances. The more you learn to value every aspect of your business, the more bargaining power you have when it come time to negotiate. There are literally dozens of ways to build value in your business---we discuss many of these in our Protégé Program. Here is part II of my list...
6. The people on your team
Relationships are important and can be used as a bargaining chip in many negotiations. Includes your advisors, producers, creatives, sales stars, as well as who’s in your “golden rolodex”.
7. Goodwill ~ “Blue Sky”
What is your name worth to you? Have you been involved in community outreach? Featured in the media? Your reputation, good name and the credibility of your business can increase your value.
8. Access to capital and other resources
Do you have access to resources you may not have fully utilized yet but could be considered a valuable asset to someone that wants to do business with you.
9. Aged corporation
Age before beauty applies here! The longer your company has been in existence, the easier it is to establish business lines of credit…and take advantage of other perks. Often times, a younger company may buy an existing shell of a company for this very reason.
10. Ability to create new Intellectual Property
If you have patents, trademarks or other intellectual property that hasn’t been fully expressed or developed, the potential of its development may be worth more than you know. Case in point if you own a PC, how many versions of Windows have you purchased since you’ve had your first computer?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Ways To Build Value In Your Business, part I
This is also an important issue when it's time to attract investors or put together strategic alliances. The more you learn to value every aspect of your business, the more bargaining power you have when it come time to negotiate. There are dozens of ways to build value in your business and we discuss many of these in our Protégé Program. Here are a few that will help you negotiate higher fees, attract investors, bigger deals, and ultimately sell for a premium price.
1. Intellectual property (IP)
Take inventory of not only your patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets but also brand identity, websites, domain names, blogs, and social network profiles. You can create as much IP as you want and the more you do with them, the more valuable it becomes.
2. Tangible assets
What else do you own that is attached to your business? Includes real estate, inventory, collectibles, and so forth. I remember years ago a friend sold his business including the building it came with. In the final purchase contract, his broker forgot to exclude the huge billboard that sat on top of the building and produced an extra $22,000 a month in revenue. Therefore it was automatically conveyed to the new owner and my friend literally gave up that revenue because of an oversight. Ouch!
3. Contracts and other agreements
You may have agreements that could be tied to current or future revenue, produce residual revenue or allow for something of value other then direct revenue. COuld be the use of an image, name, access to a resource, etc. During the time I sold my first business, we had an existing contract to provide services to a major hotel chain. The contract was new and we hadn't yet finished the rollout to all their locations but included the potential of it in the final purchase price. If you're doing business with people right now without a writen agreement, consider putting one in place ASAP. Go to and download Jian's Business Contracts (rigth side of page) for over a hundred templates.
4. Customer or Subscriber list
Your list is golden and would be coveted by many! It can be a tremendous bargaining chip in a sale or partnership negotiation. The people on your list may not all be customers but have the potential to be which translates into revenue. Go to and click on our ecommerce listbuilding tools.
5. Systems
You're adding value anytime you've created backend infrastructure in sales, marketing, operations or production. Same thing if you've systematized any process you do in your business or have brought offline services online. Creating automation and structure in business is a big aspect of the work I do with clients and is what paves the way for a multi-million dollar business. That's why I like to use Kickstart Cart (1ShoppingCart private label) as one of the automation solutions for my business.
Reserve a spot in Maria's 16-week Business Building Protégé Program and walk step-by-step into creating your dream business
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
How To Stay ON The Road To Success!
1. Don't wait until it's perfect
Don't hold back. Start bringing your dream to life by putting your product or service out there in one form or another and let it evolve from there. You may not have a product ready for instance, but you can easily start building your markets.
2. Surround yourself with people who model success in different areas
Don't operate in a void. Seek out those who really know their stuff and are willing to share their wisdom and open doors to new opportunities. Ask for help, ask lots of questions..always!
3. Focus on your passion, not the money
Let your desire to be part of something bigger than you be your driving force and you'll maintain the momentum you'll need to see it through. Money is not a long term motivator. Focusing on your PASSION will bring you more joy and inspiration.
4. It's none of your business what others think about you
Stay true to yourself, your passion, what you know is right, your plan, the desire to be a trailblazer who thinks outside the box---all of that---and don't let others bring you down or insist you can't do something. Always consider the source if you're ever going to react to what others may say about you.
5. Have a "no matter what" vision
You won't always know how to do something---you couldn't possibly know it all--- but you should have a clear image of what you really want. Stay focused and committed to THAT and you'll always be guided to the next step.
6. Every resource you need is within your grasp
If you really pay attention, you'll soon realize that every people or material resource you'll need to accomplish your goals, including money, is close by and well within your grasp. It's how God works with a great idea and a driven entrepreneur.
7. Keep immersing yourself in learning and growing as a human being
It's not just about doing your business--- you'll also want to regularly invest in your education--especially in the areas of finance, sales, marketing, spiritual and personal development--- so that you can become more strategic and intentional about your success and not so much "flying by the seat of your pants".
8. Be creative and solutions based
That's also a nice way to say never take no for answer. Be the MacGyver of your business. If you feel that you're lacking in resources, find a new way of acquiring them. Know there's a solution for every challenge!
Reserve a spot in Maria's 16-week Business Building Protégé Program and walk step-by-step into creating YOUR dream business
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Are you working with STRATEGIES?
She thought she had been working way too hard, fleeting revenue, & not getting the results she wanted.
Here are some of the priority items we're working on. See if you can relate:
* Using a strategic blueprint to form an organized marketing effort.
*Moving her business online as much as possible to take advantage of SEM.
*Integrating the most appropriate automation technology tools.
*Creating a scalable back end foundation to manage a hundred or a million clients.
*Creating ongoing followup email campaigns for customers and collaborators.
*Plan to create multiple, passive revenue streams that allows her to attract funding more easily.
GET THIS FOR YOURSELF: Join us for part 3 of my FR*EE "Passionate Business Telesummit" on Thursday 8/13/09. <-- click here for details
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Secrets To Being A Customer Magnet In Your Business
1. Have your prospect's best interest at heart
People connect with authenticity and someone who is passionate and enthusiastic about what they're offering. Is that you? Are you genuinely interested in providing the right solution or just interested in making a sale. The more aligned you are with this process, the safer your prospective customer will feel.
2. Know who your ideal customer is
Many people try to serve too broad a demographic and therefore don't come across powerfully to anyone in particular. Narrow it down so that you can show up as a "specialist" to a certain group. They'll take action much faster. You may also be communicating to the wrong group altogether. Success here is not necessarily dependant on the number of people you're speaking to but the quality of those contacts.
3. Get crystal clear about the needs of your prospective customer
Ask questions that allow them to share what's true for them --- what are their priority needs? what is an ideal situation for them? This info can be conveyed in a conversation OR become proactive and address their needs in all written communication. Don't just keep pushing your agenda on them without understanding what they truly need.
4. Become useful or indispensible to them, regardless
Some time ago I had a desire to create a Joint Venture with another organization. Before they had decided to do business with me, I took the initiative to make some additional contacts for them and supported them in other ways because I was very clear what their overall needs were. Getting them to say "yes" to my agenda was a much easier process afterwards. You can even create this same situation when serving the masses online...what can you give first?
5. Communicate your value
You want to be crystal clear about what you're offering your prospects and the VALUE of that offer expressed in dollars, time, potential, peace of mind, etc. A confused mind will take no action. Don't make assumptions they have all pertinent information. There should be a very direct and clear connection between your solution and their pain.
6. Go where they go, know who they know
If you truly understand who your ideal customer is, then you'll know exactly where they "hang out" so you can join them and not waste time and resources trying to find customers in places where they aren't. If you're a restaurant, you'll want to connect with people who are hungry or planning to eat out. You'll also want to connect with people THEY look up to who can help boost your credibility with endorsements and testimonials. People in pain would be referred by medical practitioners, pharmacies, etc.
Join Maria for the "Passionate Business TeleSummit" to learn more about attracting the right customers and increasing your revenues
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Resistance is futile!
Here are some "resistance points" that I've experienced over the years. I have hundreds I could share but these are just a few:
1. Is what you're asking for your deepest desire?
If you're not steadily moving towards your desire, it may not be what your heart wants. Have you compromised and asked for something that's not exactly what you want but may seem easier to attain? We want to learn to trust, regardless of the magnitude of the request, that if it's something our heart desires then it is most certainly within our grasp.
2. Regularly lowering your standards
Instead of focusing on achieving your dream, have you lowered your standards to accommodate your current situation? It's easy to live with the "discomfort" rather than going full out and pursuing your dreams, especially if you have any doubts about whether you may even deserve it or not. Keep aiming higher and know the place where you're currently at is a passing phase, a springboard to another level---enjoy the journey but don't get too comfortable there!
3. Not following up with people who are offering support
Support from someone with perhaps more experience than you can make all the difference in the world. There are times, however, when I've offered support to someone who never followed up. If help is a phone call away, why not make the phone call? Are you judging your "worthiness"? Are you attached to the pain and not as interested in moving forward? Start saying YES and allow others to help you.
4. Making MONEY an issue
This is a mantra of many people --- "I can't afford to have that" or "I can't move forward because I don't have money". Money is energy and it follows the opportunities--- opportunities don't necessarily follow money. So a more abundant stance would be to make decisions based on what it is you want to have or create in your life--- truly commit to having it regardless--- and then allow the resources to start showing up for you.
5. Making time an issue
Time is irrelevant when you're doing your dream. You'll find you're able to actually create more if it when you're doing things you love. It may also be better not to use time as a milestone--imposing too many deadlines in your life induces stress and you'll start sabotaging yourself at different points.
6. Being resistant to learning something new
If you're not experiencing all that you desire, chances are you don't know what you don't know. If you can embrace the fact that we're beings in a perpetual state of learning and growing, your next "teacher" will quickly appear. Do you resist immersing yourself in learning new strategies or building new support systems?
7. Feeling judged by those who may be trying to support you
Well wishers may step in to give you guidance, or point out areas that need to be corrected. Do you have a tendency to dismiss their support as judgement? Take any of it personally and feel slightly victimized? If you're taking support or feedback as an attack, it may be just your own feelings of inadequacy coming up and you're just reflecting it back to them. Allow others to share and resist the need to take any of it personally.
Join Maria's "Passionate Business Telesummit" to learn more strategies that will help you keep moving forward in business. Register for FR^EE at
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Let's support each other!
I'm always at my best--and have way more fun-- when I'm collaborating with othersas I help people create spiritually rewarding and financially abundant businesses.I wanted to share some win-win opportunities I think you'll enjoy.
*Affiliate openings
*Joint Venture alliances
*Be a guest on my radio show
*The Women's Information Network
1. Become a Passion To Prosperity Affiliate
Be part of my expansion efforts AND create "now money" for yourself!
I'll be announcing a new program next week and we're looking for quality people who'll help to share it with others.If you have a calling to empower others with resources they need to succeed...then you'll love this lucrative opportunity!
As an Affiliate, you'll be compensated for promoting your unique link to your mailing list and to talk aboutus on the social networks.
Simply sign in as an Affiliate at and you'll immediately receive 2 emails.Hold on to those--this weekend you'll receive more specific details about language & compensation and a chance to get on a training call with yours truly.
For now, that's all there is to do!
***No need to register again if you're an Affiliate already***
2. Would you like to partner with me for a Joint Venture Alliance?
I'm looking for like minded individuals who have products and services that support entrepreneurs.Please send an email to so we can explore the possibility of promoting each other business.
3. Would you like to be a guest on my RADIO SHOW?
I'm excited to share that I'll be launching a new radio program and will begin booking guests soon.If you have a message to share with enlightened entrepreneurs, please send us a short emailwith your website link and brief description of what you offer to for consideration.
No attachments please!
4. Would you like to be a SHOW HOST yourself?
I'm currently helping to launch an exciting new venture, The Women's Information Network, and we're interviewing quality content providers.
Check out (beta) and then send an email to for further details.
Your message could potentially reach millions of subscribers....this is a great promotional opportunity!
Hope to connect with you soon---have a fantastic weekend!
Maria Simone
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
7 Steps to eCommerce Success
1. Protect your IP--Register all corresponding domain names.
Secure any domain name related to you, your company and your products at . You may have a vanity site with all your Company info and links but it could be more profitable to also put your main products on their own mini-sites or landing pages. Spreading your name around the internet helps to create a bigger footprint.
2. Establish an online presence conducive to selling
Most people put up a website that does everything but inspire people to buy. Wherever your product is being sold should have a strong, clear call to action without other distractions. It should also establish your credibility within seconds AND have an opt-in area with a compelling free offer in exchange for your visitor's contact info.
3. Use a shopping cart with autoresponder.
Your product catalog should be loaded onto an online shopping cart so people can browse then click to buy in 1-2 easy steps. Even more importantly, you want to be able to follow up with automated (autoresponder) marketing messages to your customers and prospects to inspire them to buy more frequently and to refer. The #1 Shopping Cart with autoresponder I recommend to get you started is Kickstart Cart(1ShoppingCart) . I've had multiple accounts for years and it's served me well! Digital orders are processed and shipped to the customer automtaically. Services can be performed without have to worry about collecting fees. Physical product orders can go directly to whomever is doing your fullfillment and shipping.
4. Sign up for a professional merchant account.
You can use PayPal to process money transactions online but I recommend signing up for a bank backed merchant account to establish a more professional presence. It also happens to be more cost effective in the long term. My husband, Michael Murdock, offers wholesale merchant accounts with discount fees starting at 1.59% (PayPal fees average 3.5%). Contact him at for details. Your merchant account will then be connected to your shopping cart for complete automation. Orders are processed and money appears quickly in your bank account.
5. Optimize your website so your customers can find you
Once you've set up your eCommerce site, make sure you've physically submitted it to the search engines like Yahoo and Google. More specifically, if you've researched and are using the most appropriate keywords for your product, people can more easily find you when searching online for your product category. You may have a great product but it won't really matter if no one can find you. Michael is an SEO expert and offers FREE info about this at .
6. Follow-up with ongoing email communication
Your prospective customers may not buy on their first visit so frequency is important to establish a connection until they ultimately make a purchase or at least tell others about you. The easiest way to do this is with a pre-planned email or video campaign. It should start the moment they make a purchase or give you their contact info and continue for as long as they're on your list. You can dramatically change your conversions with the proper follow-up.
7. Use measurement tools to track your results
There are many strategies you'll want to employ for traffic generation, sales conversions, and copywriting. You'll find that even the smallest change to your website or marketing strategy can produce big results. Google Analytics is a great first step and one of the many tools you can use for monitoring website visitors, page views, conversions, etc.
Join Maria's Abundance Mastermind Group call on 7/21 @ 12pm pacific and learn specific steps to creating a successful eCommerce presence. Get 2 months FR^EE when you purchase her eBook at
Saturday, June 13, 2009
One of my favorite OFFLINE marketing strategies
Launching some aspect of your business using online marketing strategies is one of the fastest and most cost effective ways to get into revenue and to quickly build a following-- it's one of the key elements of our Protégé Program.
When it comes to OFFLINE marketing, however, one of my favorite strategies is the use of (in-store) live events and product launches. They're especially effective if you're just starting out or have a limited marketing budget! They produce instant connection to your market, offer plenty of media opportunities, quick revenue and so much more.
LIVE EVENTS & APPEARANCES can be organized at almost any venue, for any industry, for virtually zero up-front marketing costs and can be easily duplicated.
In my next ABUNDANCE MASTERMIND GROUP call scheduled for Tuesday, June 16th, at 12pm pacific, I'll share specifics of :
*How to create a live event that positions you in front of your perfect target market.
*How to determine the best venue and pay ZERO for the event.
*How to get thousands of dollars worth of fr*ee media and marketing exposure.
*How to recreate the event for ongoing national exposure.
*How to leverage each event to get contracts for new business.
*How to use the event to beings tons of new visitors to your website or store.
Each event I've organized has produced thousands in immediate revenue and the goodwill, media exposure and ongoing traffic to my websites continues on MANY MONTHS after the event.
If you're currently a Member in good standing, you'll be sent specific details. If you'd like to join this event for FR*EE, simply purchase my Passion 2 Prosperity ebook at and you'll receive 2 MONTHS FR*EE
in my Abundance Mastermind Group which includes Tuesday's session!
The value of this gift is $150 but you'll join me as my guest for 2 MONTHS by simply making a purchase...and a portion of all ebook sales goes to the local Food Bank.
Maria Simone is a speaker, author, and transformational business strategist who helps entrepreneurs and services professionals with "next steps" in creating 6 and 7 figure businesses.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
CEO Space: a life changing experience AND a free cruise
Over ten years ago I wanted to completely transition from my profession into my own business.
I had already started and sold ONE profitable business by then but the process had been a struggle and I knew for sure I'd want to have more critical resources next time around:
Influencers who could open doors, industry experts to mentor me, the most current entrepreneurial skills, and access to funding.
Mama didn't raise no fool. There was no reason to go without these things again and have to work way too hard to achieve my goals. The second time around in business, I was committed to having an easier time of it.
I knew the WHAT I wanted, but how and where to find all these resources in time was my challenge back then.
Someone mentioned joining a group called CEO Space and I hesitated thinking it was just a seminar and "another one of those". I was VERY wrong.
I finally took a chance and attended their Free Enterprise Forum which turned out to be a life changing experience for me...and could be for you too!
The experience was like strapping a rocket to my business ventures and the ongoing benefits have been sustaining.
CEO Space is not a seminar--- it's a life-time membership in a cooperative group of incredible thought leaders and CEO's who all commit to helping each other succeed.
When you attend a week-long Forum, you're DOING business, not just being lectured or sold to non-stop.
Meals are structured working sessions where partnerships are formed, mentoring takes place, and investors review projects.
My results were dramatic... Within 6 weeks of joining I retired from my profession, created new income streams that completely replaced my salary,
acquired wonderful new customers for my consulting business, replaced all toxic relationships with an incredible support team & connected with a number of investors.
***If you're not a member right now, I STRONGLY encourage you ---from the bottom of my heart --- to consider joining CEO Space! ***
Could you use similar resources to accelerate your business to the next level in this current economy?
There are dozens of benefits to joining CEO Space and here are my recommended next steps to get the full picture:
1. Contact CEO Space Regional Director, Kehau Kali, for a list of all current benefits of membership (huge list) and to get plugged into your local free chapters. or call 808-342-0375.
(Let Kehau know I referred you to receive a gift I put aside for you valued at over $650)
2. Go to and scroll down to watch the most current video overview.
If you have any doubts that what you're watching is REAL...believe me, it's real!
3. Suspend any thoughts about whether you can afford this. Most entrepreneurs these days CAN'T afford NOT to. They have complimentary programs to help you acquire the resources you need....just ask Kehau
Contact Kehau before June 15th and you'll be eligible for one of the FREE Caribbean Cruises they're giving away. Next event is in Las Vegas the week of July 20th. I'll be there supporting the participants as a mentor. Join me!
Maria Simone helps those who want to transform their talents to create 6 and 7 figure businesses using these sequencing steps. Learn more at
Thursday, June 4, 2009
7 Steps To Create The Business of Your Dreams, Part II
Also know that I’m a big advocate of getting your ideas out there ASAP as opposed to being perfect first. Following these guidelines will help you get out there quickly, yet with the least amount of risk.
The WHERE your product will be sold will determine WHAT it will look like. Before you commit to product development (beyond the prototype and testing phase with the final product) make sure you take the time to set up your distribution channels and logistics. Who will be buying or selling your product? This also includes all the nuances of storage, ordering, shipping, backend support, etc. If you don’t set up some infrastructure, systems and sales channels first, you run the risk of implosion if you aren’t scalable or if you allow operational chaos. This is common in small businesses when the Founder/ CEO manages too much responsibility and doesn’t have the ability to delegate to others because there aren’t systems set up. You’ll also see this in businesses that focus on making product which just sits there because they haven’t set up their sales channels first. There are a variety of ways to create demand for your product before you’ve actually made it. The same principles apply for offline and online businesses.
6. Manufacture your PRODUCT.
People are always surprised when I place this so low on the list but there are good reasons for it. I’m an advocate of product testing and validating up towards the planning stage but in this step I’m talking about making that commitment to your final product development where some type of manufacturing investment is made and now you have to deal with storage and shipping issues. Obviously this isn’t as much of an issue with digital products as it is with more tangible products but regardless, I would let your product ideas evolve a bit before committing to their development. I know of many instances where entrepreneurs rushed into this stage-- spending $10,000, $50,000, $150,000—without fully getting a handle on who their market was and what their market desired in a product. Many had to go back to the drawing board after making such investments. I’ve also seen people invest in product development before they had outlets to sell their products and were amazed that product didn’t “fly off the shelf” simply because they had made it. Hello, reality check! Bottom line is don’t jump into major investments in product development before you’ve done some testing, understand your ideal market, have the capability to manage the inventory and know for sure where the product will be sold at least in the beginning.
7. Execute your sales, marketing & PR effort.
If you’ve taken the time to cover all the previously mentioned steps, then once you’ve gotten to this stage, you should be an unstoppable evangelist for your business. You’ll have systems in place as well as support and access to financial resources to handle the growth that will ensue form everyone raving about your business. You’ll be spending time with the media, creating new and exciting marketing opportunities, and establishing strategic sales alliances. You’ll experience slow, steady growth and avoid many of the headaches experienced from underplanning, underfunding, lack of experience, etc.
There’s good news and there’s good news: Always congratulate yourself for taking ANY action, even if you feel out of sequence. Most people don’t take any of these action steps in their life and are perfectly content to watch you do it! Also, if you feel like you may be off track, know that it’s never too late to course correct and start moving through the steps you may be missing. You’ll get caught up faster than you think!
Maria Simone helps those who want to transform their talents to create 6 and 7 figure businesses using these sequencing steps. Learn more at
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Embracing the overwhelm?!
Take action only after you feel you’ve received your answer and you feel confident in making choices that totally support you. When I regularly practice this technique, I glide through making business & life decisions at a much higher vibration, and not out of fear.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
7 Practical Steps To Create The Business of Your Dreams, Part 1
I’ve put together 7 very practical core steps to launch a business successfully. These strategies apply primarily to an offline business and when I use them for online projects, they help me accelerate.
1. Clarify your VISION.
Take some time to understand what you want YOUR life to look like and are you passionate about what you’re doing? Does this new concept fit the lifestyle you desire? Check in with experts to help initially validate your idea. It’s critical that you’re personally aligned with your business otherwise you’ll lose steam or possibly sabotage efforts along the way. Could be a great idea but if you don’t love it you won’t follow through. You may absolutely love your idea but if the risks outweigh the rewards or the market isn’t big enough, it may not be worth the effort. If you’re in business now but losing steam, go back and find your purpose for it again to renew your passion!
2. PLAN for success.
You may opt to do this in stages but some business planning is essential for success. As with any journey, a roadmap is necessary in order to quickly and safely get to your destination. Same premise applies for your business. It’s also much easier to test your concepts on paper first before investing too much time and money. The planning stage is a great time to detail your markets, the products & services you’ll be offering, how you’ll serve your customers and how much it will cost to accomplish all of the above. This is where I would also perform beta testing or achieve local sales to “test the waters” so to speak. Validate along the way before launching full out! I have worked with many clients who thought their business would look one way but when we worked it out on paper, they realized another expression would be best.
3. Build a TEAM.
The sooner the better! Start looking for people who can assist with industry expertise, business development, those who represent your market, support you emotionally, mastermind your concepts, etc. Those who will fill in the gaps of your plan--- will you be a retail store, an online entity, print catalog?? These people will work ON your business. You’ll also want to attract operational, sales and marketing support when the time is right--- plan for it so that you can activate a wonderful manifestation cascade! When we work through this process with our clients, they inevitably come to realize that the people they most needed in their business were already in their life. They just hadn’t properly defined the support they needed. This was the case for Cathy who realized, after working through this step, a high level contact she needed to a sports organization was someone she actually knew and had access to!
4. Plan for and access Funding Resources.
There are literally DOZENS of ways to fund your business so it’s not necessary to struggle without having the proper resources. Unless you’re completely capable of self-funding, skipping this step could result in sluggish starts, lots of stress and a general failure to launch. Establish a funding plan early on and start accessing the resources BEFORE you need them so that you’ll have what you need for salaries, product development and to execute a proper sales and marketing plan. HINT: “create a viral marketing campaign through word of mouth” isn’t necessarily without costs. Funding could include pre-selling strategies, corporate sponsors, business lines of credit and private investors.
In our next issue I’ll share Part II and the remaining 3 strategies. Maria Simone helps those who want to transform their talents to create 6 and 7 figure businesses. Learn more at
Friday, May 15, 2009
Build your business without working harder?
Even though my family was financially comfortable growing up, I hardly saw my father as he managed his busy law firm.
I also don't recall many people in my life expressing passion for the work they were doing... mostly working to make a living.
I do remember a fun-loving cousin who was the only real entrepreneur of the family yet who was regularly laughed at for having "pipe dreams".
Ah, such is life! I'm sure I wasn't alone.
Needless to say, I worked very hard for all of my past professional and financial successes but 7 years ago that started to change as I immersed myself in spiritual transformation and personal growth.
I was absolutely committed to creating abundance with more ease and flow!
Today, I've learned to infuse more CONSCIOUS business building strategies into everything I do and it has had a dramatic impact on my professional advances, relationships, opportunities presented, flow of income, and so much more.
Tuesday, May 19th, is our next monthly "Abundance Mastermind Group" Coaching call and I'll be presenting :
"Creating Prosperity with Conscious Business Building Strategies"
You've heard about the Universal Laws but do you know how they specifically apply to your business?
I've found out many people either don't know or just get think it's all about Law of Attraction.
On Tuesday, I'll share my secret recipes with you. I specifically focus in on the areas of money flow, productivity, joy, & relationship.
This is where they've had the greatest impact in my life and business. Believe me, we're going BEYOND Law of Attraction.
How would YOU like to join us and receive 2 months FR*EE in my Abundance Mastermind coaching group?
Simply go to and when you purchase my ebook & audio program at the discounted price, you'll receive your complimentary membership.(Existing Members in good standing will receive specific details're invited to simply share this with others.)
Without working HARDER in your business, on our call I'll show you how to:
*Dramatically increase productivity
*Improve your business relationships so people are really supporting you
*Gain more respect & support from your peers as well as mentors
*Attract more customers, investors and contracts for accelerated growth
*Quickly increase your revenue to move into ease and flow
I've done it for myself, I've been showing my clients how to do it and now I'm sharing it with you----for FR*EE. <---- click to purchase & teleclass details will be emailed immediately.
If after our call you feel that the strategies I share have no bearing on YOUR life, I would be HAPPY to issue you a refund. I know this call will change your perception of how you do business AND life so don't miss out!
To your SUCCESS!
Maria Simone
PS Want more step-by-step support? There's still room in our Protégé Program
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Marketing Strategies I Learned Studying Epidemics
The nature of an epidemic is predictable once you understand what to look for and while the world is working on activities to PREVENT the spread of the illness, some of these same activities can be applied BACKWARDS in marketing to achieve “epidemic” results (or “viral” results as it’s more commonly called). I apply these strategies when marketing for new customers, meeting ideal investor candidates, or attracting perfect Joint Venture candidates.
1. Identify the point of origin.
Every epidemic has a first encounter--- the first infected--- and it’s important to know who that person is to better understand the inherent characteristics that activated the spread of the disease. In marketing, those would be your IDEAL clients. What conditions must be present for them to not only have a sense of urgency working with you or buying from you but also cause them to TALK about you? Who benefits the most from what you do? Who has the most to gain? Experiencing the biggest results? It’s not necessarily a demographic but a physical person --- especially if you want to recreate the same conditions in others!
2. How is it specifically transmitted?
As it relates to the Swine Flu epidemic, the method is close airborne transmission. Therefore people are encouraged to wear masks, avoid contact with eyes and wash their hands frequently. When you understand who your ideal client is, then it’s important to understand how to enable them to quickly spread the word about you. Word of mouth, video, some type of collateral material? You’ll want to do what it takes to make it very easy for your client to carry out this activity. Study their patterns and then completely enable and simplify the process. Don’t make it complicated!
3. Follow the formation of clusters.
You’ll inevitably have isolated clusters of individuals being infected. From a marketing perspective you want to study and recreate those conditions to increase the frequency of clusters until all the clusters are ultimately connecting. You could start out simply by following in the footsteps of your ideal client by going where they go, know who they know, etc., until you connect with others with the same characteristics.
4. Focus your efforts on those most “susceptible”.
The entire population could be at risk for infection but realistically there’s always a smaller subset that is most susceptible and that’s usually where resources are allocated. If the risks are dramatically reduced with that smaller group, then the larger population will most likely be safe. So in marketing, it’s wise to allocate your resources on a subset of the population—your niche. You’ll be able to penetrate that market quickly with laser focus and then will be able to spill over to the rest of the population.
5. Watch for mutation and respond according.
It is expected that the infecting agent will change and mutate as time goes on--- that’s precisely why a new flu vaccine is released once each year in August and then destroyed after May. Accepting that “change is constant” in your market will help you stay on top of your game and prepare accordingly. Stay in touch with your ideal clients, make sure you’re regularly meeting their needs.
6. Gather all your data and formulate a vaccine.
Ideally there will be enough initial epidemiology data to immediately start working on a cure (if none is available) and a vaccine for prevention. As part of your marketing campaign, you’ll want to carefully study what’s working and package that into a process that can easily be duplicated over and over. That’s a key to automation and quickly getting your message out to the masses.
7. Be bold, communicate big, make a lot of noise!
The agencies involved with any epidemic have a very defined emergency response program in place to reach the general population with warnings and instructions. They depend on the coordinated support of others to help them in this regard. Includes reverse 911, daily reports to the media outlets (newspapers, TV and radio), schools texting students, and much more. Your marketing (in the form of education, instruction, relationship building, etc) should also include big and bold communication with the help of others so people will listen to YOUR message and take action.
You can actually watch these events being played out during the current Swine Flu epidemic. ~~ Maria Simone helps those who want to transform their talents to create 6 and 7 figure businesses. Learn more at
Monday, May 4, 2009
Seriously, is that what you're wearing?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
9 Ways to Keep Yourself Motivated and Moving Forward in Business
So if you have a great idea and you're passionate about what you're doing, here are some strategies you can use to maintain a high vibration around your project and help keep you motivated and moving forward:
1. Celebrate after each milestone is achieved.
Don't think you have to wait for the end of the journey to celebrate as success will occur at many points along the way. So take the time to acknowledge and celebrate these milestones and you'll stay motivated for longer periods of time. Could be that you've finished building your team, prototype being ready, first investor check has arrived, first order, etc.
2. Stay focused on what's driving you.
Keep constant reminders around of why you're doing what you're doing to help you stay motivated. It's easy to lose site of why you're in business during the rough patches. Also, it helps to have a vision that is much bigger than just making money such as helping the community or healing the planet.
3. Surround yourself with incredible people---ditch the downers!
Gracefully let go of relationships with people who do not know how to support you on your journey. Replace them with people who know how to lift you up, have traveled a similar path and can alleviate your fears, will open doors for you and generally make your life easier.
4. Create a routine that fosters creativity, accomplishments, & manageable tasks.
I find my productivity is maximized and I can keep my vibration high if I break my day down into 2 hour activity increments as well as create a priority list that is reasonable. Part of my time is spent in creative activities with no interruptions, specific revenue generating activities as well as operational tasks. I also include daily breaks and quiet time in the mix. Keeps me engaged and motivated throughout the day!
5. Give yourself permission to do the tasks that you love and delegate what you don't.
Entrepreneurs think they have to wear ALL the hats in their business and work on everything all at once. If you're consistently doing activities you don't enjoy, you'll quickly lose your passion and motivation to see it all the way through. Give yourself permission to focus on those activities you enjoy and are good at and commit to attracting the right people who can do the rest.
6. Respect the learning curve.
Chances are you're traveling down a path you haven't traveled before so in addition to having to make the best decisions for your business, you'll also need to set aside some time to learn about the resources so you can make the best informed decision. It's important to add your learning curve into the equation otherwise you'll always feel you're lagging behind and this could be very de-motivating. Another way to overcome this is to make sure you have people around you who possess the very skills you may be lacking.
7. Take time out for self-care no matter what.
No, you won't necessarily get there any faster if you work nonstop. You'll probably burn out first. Even just taking 15 minutes a day to be still, meditate or just process your day can make a world of difference. This is also a good time to maintain a daily exercise regimen and healthy diet. It's also important to have some down time once a week, no less than once a month. Stepping away will keep you fresh, rested, motivated and more productive.
8. Stay connected, avoid isolation.
It's important to immerse yourself in your industry and to network with peers and mentors. This can be accomplished by "showing up" at various events for direct contact to these people and other prospective resources. Besides the relationships, the exposure to people in similar situations will help you stay connected and motivated. This can also be accomplished with the use of social networking tools. I love Twitter for this reason!
9. Take time to acquire the resources you need.
Struggling for long periods at a time on a "shoe-string" can be tiring and will quickly lead to lack of motivation. Take the time to acquire the proper funding, equipment, etc., before you put yourself too far out there on a limb.
Application of these strategies will help you stay motivated and experience more joy as you're ramping up your business! Maria Simone helps those who are in various stages of planning, packaging, and launching their businesses acquire the resources they need AND STAY MOTIVATED at
Friday, April 10, 2009
7 Strategies To Help You Quickly ATTRACT Investors
Prospective investors are all around you ---there is no shortage of money. The key is, the more prepared you are, the more compelling your investment opportunity becomes. Raising capital from investors or acquiring the proper resources you need is a right of any entrepreneur and one of the best ways a growing business can assure its success. Learn how to compel others to invest rather than you "chasing" the money. Here are the top 7 things you can do right from the beginning to build value in your business and help you become more ATTRACTIVE to the money. This list is only a guideline and it should not be implied that all these are absolutely necessary to be successful in this just helps to accelerate your efforts.
1. Develop a healthy relationship with money and know that you deserve to have it.
Money is just energy and capital is just one of the many resources necessary to grow your business. If you become too attached to this process or have a sense that your self-worth is tied to how much money you have, you may actually repel investors.
2. People invest in PEOPLE.
Make sure you've taken the time to attract the right mentors and advisors to support you during this process to help you attract the resources you need. There are others who have made this journey successfully before you so find out who they are and attach them to your project somehow. Investors and sponsors are more inclined to put their money into a project with a management and advisory team that has a proven track record. If they've done it once, they are more likely to re-create their success.
3. Do what you can to prove out or VALIDATE your concept.
Includes developing your markets, monetizing some aspect of your business, building a database of prospective customers, forming strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures, and/or obtaining purchase orders and letters of interest whenever possible. Bottom line, investors and sponsors are more inclined to take notice if you can show that there really is interest in your products and services.
4. Develop a Business Plan.
One that illustrates the market you're serving, describes your products and services and details how you plan to get them in the hands of your customers. A plan is also a great visual representation of what you desire to have and that alone will help you begin manifesting whatever you need to make it happen.
5. Obtain as much protection for your Intellectual Property (IP) as possible.
Having a patent, or the opportunity to patent your IP, is generally the most attractive IP opportunity to an investor. If not a patent, make sure you have the opportunity to create future IP such as trademarks and copyrights to show that your products and services will not become obsolete. Protect what you can up front to assure interest from investors but if that's not possible now, make sure you have a plan to do so in the near future.
6. Get connected!
Investors will have a higher degree of confidence and interest in an entrepreneur who knows how to network and easily connect to the resources he or she needs. Join groups that support your agenda, connect with your community, show up at industry related events, tap into the power of social networking.
7. Make sure you are passionate and invested in this process yourself and be able to clearly articulate that to investors. Investors want to know how much time and money YOU'VE invested, how passionate YOU are, how far YOU'RE willing to go with it and how stable YOU are emotionally and financially so that they know you'll have staying power. The more committed you are to making the "journey", the more attractive you will become to investors.
Application of these items will help you become super-attractive to money and other resources! Maria Simone helps those who are in various stages of planning, packaging, and launching their businesses acquire the resources they need at
Monday, March 30, 2009
Abundance Strategies for Business Building-- Thursday Teleclass
* Technology has ushered in new opportunities, closed the door on others.
* Consumer buying criteria has shifted, as have the tried and true marketing techniques.
* Competition is being replaced by more conscious biz building strategies.
* Opportunities to create early traction and revenue with limited investment are ABUNDANT.
JOIN ME for a 2-part teleclass as I discuss what's hot, what's not for business.
Learn where to make adjustments so you can THRIVE doing what you love. < ---- details here
This series is PERFECT if you're a service professional, solopreneur, speaker or entrepreneur
trying to jumpstart new revenue OR desiring to take your current business to another level.
You'll learn with us
* Key elements to help you get into revenue sooner than later.
* Learn to have breakthroughs, not breakdowns as you're moving forward with your dream.
* The power of creating multiple revenue streams to exponentially grow your revenue.
* Reaching the masses without compromising the integrity of your products and services. < ---- details here
Join me April 2nd --- the series is FREE.
Register today...Only those registered will get the playback recording from the series afterwards.
Ready for step-by-step support? Doors open at
Friday, March 27, 2009
Build A Power Team To Attract Customers, Contracts, and Funding
So the old saying goes "if I only knew then what I know now". I say "why wait to have the experience"?
Avoid the "hard knocks" that people insist on having by building a TEAM of people that have demonstrated success in the areas you're about to venture into. Think about what it would be like to have someone in your life that has been down the same path that you're about to go down, who is freely sharing with you what's in store. You'll be able to plan better, make better informed decisions, as well as save lots of time and money by avoiding the most commonly made mistakes. These are not employees or people working IN your business. These are people who are working ON your business with you and pop in and out as the need arises.
1. What do I call my TEAM?
Make it something formal and professional to lend credibility. I like ADVISORY TEAM or ADVISORY BOARD as it relates to business. Others call it MASTERMIND GROUP, and MENTOR GROUP.
2. Who should be on it?
Here are a few examples of the "profiles" of those who would provide a well-rounded experience:
a. Someone with experience developing a business--- starting a business, operations, experience with acquiring funding, dealt with legalities of having a business, launch, growth, exit strategies, etc.
b. Someone that has demonstrated success in your industry…actually launched or worked with a company that has achieved your desired revenue goals in a similar industry. For example, one of my companies is a fashion accessory company so I sought out the priceless advice of Nick Graham who had founded the very successful "Joe Boxer" brand in 1987.
c. Someone that responsibly represents YOUR desired target market. They can give you feedback and help establish your credibility along the way. For example, my husband’s friend launched an animation company that produces cartoons promoting environmental issues. Former Vice President Al Gore is on their Advisory Team. This relationship has given them tons of exposure right out of the gate, opportunities to acquire large contracts and interest from investors.
d. Someone not related to your business but well-grounded and "wise" in other areas of life. During stressful periods, this person will help give you perspective, make objective decisions and support your desire to have balance in your life.
e. Others who fill in the gaps of your experience such as marketing, media, promotional, and finance. For instance, I’m putting together the platform for a radio program and I don’t necessarily have media business experience. So I surrounded myself with Advisors that do. People that have successfully raised millions from corporate sponsors, and a publicist whose specialty is radio syndication.
3. What to say?
Approach these people and request a short meeting so you'd have the opportunity to ask them some relevant questions about your business that they would completely relate to. Can they validate what you're doing? Did they have similar experiences they could share with you? Is there anyone else they would recommend you speak to? Any special advice they could give you?
4. How to follow-up?
Request that they allow you to check in with them once a month to share your progress and to seek their guidance. People generally will be honored to support you at such intervals and probably won't think to ask for anything in return so money shouldn’t be an issue here.
Not only will they get to help the next generation succeed, the relationship itself will start attracting more resources, customers, contracts and funding to your business as you share who’s on your TEAM with others.
Maria Simone is a transformational business development expert. She’ll show you "NEXT STEPS" for transforming talents & ideas into products that sell for millions, effortlessly attracting investors and sponsors, and manifesting customers with ease.