Friday, November 16, 2007

Starting A Business: What To DO When You Don't Know What To Do NEXT

You're moving forward working on your new business and all of a sudden you feel "stuck". What's the next step to take?

In the course of building your business, issues may come up where you may not actually be sure of what next steps to take or even what questions to ask. I help entrepreneurs with business development and small business funding support and coaching and these are the very questions I hear from clients during our first meeting. I'd like to shed some light on these issues and especially to let you know that you're not alone. When you have clarity in all of these areas, you will naturally become more attractive to potential investors and those who may want to support you or do business with you.

1. You have several options of what direction to take your business but just can't decide? If you ever find yourself faced with a decision you can't quite seem to make or take action on, the best thing to do is NOTHING. This is the time to slow down and: a) observe how you are feeling about the choices you think you need to make--- your heart could be slowing you down for a reason and all the signs should be there if you pay attention; b) you should absolutely seek out the advice of qualified people who have had specific experience with your situation. You don't want to make decisions without qualified information and neither should you ever feel pressured about making just any decision. Time is irrelevant here--- making a decision that doesn't support you could "cost" you more time in the long run.

2. Having trouble making sense of or communicating all your ideas? Start the business planning process as soon as possible to help keep you on track. Moving forward in your business with just a bunch of ideas swirling around in your head is not the same as having them committed to paper. Organizing your thoughts in a structured fashion gives you instant clarity, your ideas start coming to life, people now have a better understanding of how to support you, and the resources you'll need can start showing up. It will also allow you to play out different scenarios. Your plan will be constantly evolving and growing as you move forward so there will never really be a finished document nor will it ever be perfect. However, just starting the process can sometimes help you get unstuck. I recommend using an existing software program that walks you through some of the steps by asking a series of questions. I have my favorites but no matter what program you use, make sure you personalize it to your circumstances and industry.

3. You may have limited operating capital initially and you feel pressured to invest in resources and services that should help you grow your business. So what resources should you invest your money in? That all depends on exactly what stage you're at in the "sequencing" of your business. If you buy or commit to resources before you're ready for them, it may just take you down a dead end if you're really not prepared to work with them: a) If you are working on your business plan, you should be GATHERING information about sales, marketing, PR, etc. You should not necessarily be investing in these services at this stage; b) If you are just starting out and about to raise investor money, only invest in those resources that will absolutely bring you capital; c) don't invest or get committed to product manufacturing before you've developed your infrastructure or understand your markets; d) don't engage in activities that will create a demand for products and services you haven't developed yet unless you are just about ready to launch.

4. You have a great idea but not really sure what it looks like as a business. Very often, people have great ideas and start focusing on one way they think it should be launched. This could be in the form of a retail store, an online experience, a book, a game, a service, etc. If you find that you're focusing on one "expression" that could take much longer or cost more than it seems worth it, start opening yourself up to other ways your idea can get out there. Look for the lowest hanging fruit --- what is the fastest, most cost effective way you can get your idea out to the most people and bring you the most profit in the shortest period of times (if that's your goal). For instance a retail chain of stores is a huge undertaking. If your goal is to help one million people access your resources in the shortest timeframe, then what about taking the service aspect of your business and launching it as a national service company with primarily an online presence and do away with all the real estate and operational costs? You could serve a bigger slice of the population in half the time and a fraction of the cost by using a franchise model. If you can remain open to exploring new opportunities, they will show up for you.

5. How far should you go to prove out your concept? This could be something brand new for you and you haven't fully allocated resources to the project but want to make sure you have a market for your goods and services. Initially do things that do not require a big investment or ongoing maintenance (storage issues, insurance, license fees, etc). For instance take surveys, conduct market research, acquire trend reports, "dry test" and then "beta test" with a prototype, get validation from experts, and build a mailing list of people who would be interested in your product down the road. These are just a few. I recommend doing small manufacturing runs with a product to test in a certain regional area but don't try to "launch" nationally before you have all the necessary resources in place.

6. Are you having resistance to moving forward with your business? Wondering if it will ever get done or if you're the person to do it? Do feelings of fear, isolation, and overwhelm seem to permeate your thoughts? Stop for a bit and be still as this isn't a cue for you to work harder. It means you need to do some internal work on YOU, not your business. There are plenty of great programs and people I frequently recommend that can support you here. Feelings of not feeling good enough are old tapes that should be eliminated. Issues around money, success, or receiving support shouldn't rule your life. If you're doing anything business related you're not passionate about which will require a huge investment of time, it's not worth doing. This is all about YOU not about business. Every successful entrepreneur takes the time to do breakthrough internal work on themselves. Best quote I heard recently "Making my first million was easy--- but it took me 37 years to allow myself to do it." So get your heart in alignment with your head, know you deserve it and that you're not alone . . . and then get out of your way.

7. You have limited financial resources and lots of deadlines you've imposed on yourself---should you just keep plodding along and do as much as you can on your own to get it done and make your deadlines? First, when you're building a business, I recommend not using TIME as a milestone if possible because it puts too much undue pressure on yourself and oftentimes you won't be able to commit to the deadline because of all the other variables involved. "In six months I will have raised $1 million" or "in 3 months I will be signing a lease so I better have the resources in place by then". How do you know? You're better off using financial milestones if you're raising capital---like, for instance, "when I raise my first million, then I can do xyz"--- or something OTHER than time. Shifting your thinking like this will give you new perspective, alleviate stress and allow you to focus on getting the necessary resources to hire the people you need to get the jobs done. You can try to do it all yourself without the necessary resources just to meet your self-imposed deadline but it begs the question, "why do that to yourself"?

8. You feel unable to proceed because you have no money? It's not the money that you need--- it's determination, passion and having the right people around you. If you ever get stuck on this one, check in to see which one it is. Having the right people around you will always attract money, so take the time to build a support team and let them open doors for you. Your determination will always lead you to the next step if you're paying attention--- it could be money or another resource that's even better. If you don't have passion for what you're doing, you may want to check in to see if this is what you really want. Always, and only, do what you love.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

YOU in your business--- are you available October 18th?

Know one of the secrets to manifesting success in business?

It's not about how hard you work, it's about how YOU show up in your
If you take the time to do some internal "tweaking", you don't have
to put much "effort" into anything.
Struggle starts to disappear, success becomes more effort-LESS.

Want more of that? Be sure an join Me For a "YOU In Your Business"

Thursday, October 18th at 6pm PST/ 8pm central/ 9pm EST.
Click here:

I will be interviewing one of my greatest teachers, Esperanza
Universal, Co-Creator and Director of the SOUL Institute in San

This is a special treat as it has taking me many months to schedule
this time with her.
I will be asking her questions specifically related to how we can be
more successful in our businesses as well as have more joyful lives:

How to attract investors, customers, team, and meaningful

How not to repel the very things we want most in our lives.

How to create more time for ourselves.

How to get past any resistance you may be experiencing in different
areas of your life.

How to deal with the fear that sometimes creeps up and can stop you
in your tracks.

And some surprise topics I know you'll appreciate!

Register today (we have limited lines available), get to a quiet place on Thursday and bring your questions.

This call could change your life so be sure to join us! Invite your
friends to this one.

The insights I've received over the past few years from Esperanza
have had a profound positive impact on me and have really helped me create a very magical life...and now we'll share them with you!

If want to learn how to create the best life ever and enjoy every
minute of it, then join me this Thursday, October 18th.
This is a no nonsense call and she will work with you directly if you
would like to speak up!
Click here:

To your success!
Maria Simone

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What To DO When You Don't Know What To Do NEXT?

My goal is to share information with you that will help you take next steps in your business. Today I thought I would take a different approach and deal specifically with issues that come up when you may not be sure of what next steps to take.

1. You have several options of what direction to take your business but just can’t decide?
If you ever find yourself faced with a decision you can’t quite seem to make or take action on, the best thing to do is NOTHING. This is the time to slow down and: a) observe how you are feeling about the choices you think you need to make--- your heart could be slowing you down for a reason and all the signs should be there if you pay attention; b) you should absolutely seek out the advice of someone who has had specific experience with your situation. You don’t want to make decisions without qualified information and neither should you ever feel pressured about making just any decision. Time is irrelevant here--- making a decision that doesn’t support you could “cost” you more time in the long run.

2. You have limited operating capital and you feel pressured to invest in resources and services that should help you grow your business. So what resources should you invest your money in?
That all depends on exactly what stage you’re at in the “sequencing” of your business. If you buy or commit to resources before you’re ready for them, it may just take you down a dead end if you’re really not prepared to work with them: a) If you are working on your business plan, you should be GATHERING information about sales, marketing, PR, etc. You should not necessarily be investing in these services at this stage; b) If you are just starting out and about to raise investor money, only invest in those resources that will absolutely bring you capital; c) don’t invest or get committed to product manufacturing before you’ve developed your infrastructure or understand your markets; d) don’t engage in activities that will create a demand for products and service you haven’t developed yet unless you are just about ready to launch.

3. How far should you go to prove out your concept?
If you have limited resources but want to make sure you have a market for your goods and services, initially do things that do not require a big investment or ongoing maintenance (storage issues, insurance, license fees, etc). For instance take surveys, conduct market research, acquire trend reports, “dry test” and then “beta test” with a prototype, get validation from experts, build a mailing list of people who would be interested in your product down the road. These are just a few. I recommend doing small runs with a product to test in a certain regional area but don’t try to “launch” nationally before you have all the necessary resources in place.

4. You feel unable to proceed because you have no money?
It’s not the money that you need--- it’s determination, passion and having the right people around you.
If you ever get stuck on this one, check in to see which one it is. Having the right people around you will always attract money, your determination will lead you to the next step and if you don’t have passion for what you’re doing, you may want to check in to see if this is what you really want.

To your success!
Maria Simone

Share Your Talents In Unique Ways For More Exposure

One of my goals is to seek out opportunities to get my name out there and build awareness for my products and services. Many in my field would consider advertising their services or solicit business from the same people that all their competitors are going to.

I prefer to CREATE new niched opportunities with people I can serve first, knowing that working with this cooperative mindset will ultimately help me achieve my goals. For instance, I was recently encouraging a group of entrepreneurs to start a newsletter for their business clients. This could be an excellent way for them to build their business via referral marketing as well as provide a vehicle to offer additional products and services to their clients. However, the thought of developing the content appeared daunting to them so I offered my content free of charge. As a syndicated writer, my articles appear in newsletters and magazines all over the world on a regular basis so I can assume that what I write is informative.

Not only did this simple offer provide the perfect solution for these entrepreneurs, I know expansion of my readership will ultimately help ME achieve my goals of total world domination. Only kidding. I just like to help small business owners grow with relevant information and insight --- the more, the merrier.

To your success!
Maria Simone

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It Made My Day: 'best tele-conference I have ever heard'

Last week I hosted an impromptu, free teleclass about business building, planning, raising capital and building team. The postive feedback was incredible and I'm so grateful for all of it:

"Thank you very much, Maria. That was the best tele-conference I have ever heard
and I have heard a lot of them. I appreciate your wisdom.
More than that, I appreciate that you take your time to share your wisdom."

** For those of you who are ready for ACCELERATION.
** Desire to create the business of their DREAMS
** Who want to attract CAPITAL with more ease.
** Attract an incredible TEAM of EXPERTS.
** And attract RESOURCES they haven't even thought of yet...
I encourage you to take advantage of my Manifest Success program
for start-ups that's worth over $1200 with bonuses...

Use this link to get a 30% discount ---- your final price will be
far less than $300. (Expires next week, discount taken at checkout)

Here's what's included this month only:
** 8 hours of audio which takes you through specific business sequencing steps.
** "Flash Plan" Business Planning Tool to help you complete a plan
fit for investors or to help validate your products and services.
** Online support with Maria Simone who will answer questions, give you
contacts and resources.
** Live teleclasses specifically on business planning and capital.
** Special Report: How To Build a Team of Experts Who Will Work For Free.
** "Small Business Funding: 7 Things To Do That Will Attract Investors To Your Business".

Invest in your success this month.

To your success!
Maria Simone

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Small Business Funding: 10 Ways To Actually Sell Your Idea Before You Launch

This is a conundrum that many entrepreneurs are faced with as they are developing their ideas and putting the business together. I hear "How do I test my product or service so that I can attract investors and the resources I need if I don't HAVE the money or the resources to test my product?" You can actually do it all! Plan for milestones of beta-testing and validating every step of the way so you can continually attract the resources you need that will help build momentum. Momentum attracts investors and buyers.

Here are 10 things you can do during the planning process:

1. Start out by doing "dry testing" of your concept with live or online focus groups BEFORE you have an actual product to test. There are professional services for this but you can start by getting feedback from people you know who may volunteer for this. If you can validate the concept, move on to the next step.

2. Your product idea may need some major engineering before it's ready for actual prototype creation and testing but you can prepare a non-working prototype sooner than later. Start doing "esthetics" testing with your groups to make sure people can appreciate it visually before you invest in a working prototype.

3. Get a panel of experts together who can mastermind with you to solve any issues you may have about product design, obsolescence, esthetics, marketability, etc. Document all participant credentials and any analysis made for possible inclusion into your business plan.

4. When a prototype is available, begin testing extensively with your customers (usually buyers) and end users (consumers) BEFORE you commit to full production. You could receive pre-orders at this stage.

5. Use your prototypes to acquire letters of intent and actual purchase orders from buyers or whoever would be purchasing large quantities of your product.

6. Create Joint Venture opportunities with individuals or organizations who have large mailing lists of potential clients for when you're ready to launch.

7. As soon as possible, consider doing small manufacturing runs of your product for local or regional testing in a controlled market. When people start buying your product within that market, you have achieved "traction".

8. Document in your business plan the various stages of testing and localized selling you have established to help build investor confidence.

9. During this timeframe, create activities which will build your database of prospective customers for a future launch. Offer pre-order discounts, host a contest, offer a newsletter or something else of value.

10. Want to sell into major retail stores? Consider meeting with local buyers in your desired markets to establish a time to do a "trunk show" or a short run in that store to test the product. It is much easier to achieve large national vendor contracts when you've had success in the local markets.

Many of these activities can be done prior to product development and all of these can be used to attract investors, contracts and other resources to help you achieve success with your business!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Create Your Own Team Of Experts Who Will Work For Free

I'm very blessed to have terrific talent surrounding me and constantly giving me feedback and support with whatever I'm working on. I'm asked "how did you do that" all the time. So here's a summary of a linger piece I wrote that can be found at

So the old saying goes "if I only knew then what I know now".
I say "why wait to have the experience"?

Avoid the "hard knocks" that people insist on having by building a TEAM of people that have demonstrated success in the areas you're about to venture into. Think about what it would be like to have someone in your life that has been down the same path that you're about to go down, who is freely sharing with you what's in store. You'll be able to plan better, make better informed decisions, as well as save lots of time and money by avoiding the most commonly made mistakes.

What do I call my TEAM?

Make it formal and professional to lend credibility. I like ADVISORY TEAM or ADVISORY BOARD as it relates to business. Others call it MASTERMIND GROUP, and MENTOR GROUP.

Who should be on it?

Here are a few examples of the "profiles" of those who would provide a well-rounded experience

1. Someone with experience developing a business--- starting a business, experience with acquiring funding, dealt with legalities of having a business, launch, growth, exit strategies, etc.

2. Someone that has actually launched or worked with a company that has achieved your desired revenue goals in yours or a similar industry. EX: One of my companies is a fashion accessory company so I sought out the advice of Nick Graham who had founded the very successful "Joe Boxer" brand in 1987.

3. Someone that responsibly represents YOUR desired market that can give you feedback and credibility along the way. EX: My friend launched an animation company that produces cartoons promoting environmental issues. The Honorable Al Gore is on their Advisory Team.

4. Someone not related to your business but well-grounded and "wise" in other areas of life. This person will help give you perspective and support your desire to have balance in your life.

What to say?

In short, approach these people and request a short meeting where you'd have the opportunity to ask them some relevant questions about your business that they would completely relate to. Can they validate what you're doing? Did they have similar experiences they could share with you? Is there anyone else they would recommend you speak to? Any special advice they could give you?

How to follow-up?

Request that they allow you to check in with them once a month to share your progress and to seek their guidance. People generally will be honored to be able to support you at such intervals and won't think to ask for anything in return.

Not only will they get to help the next generation succeed, the relationship itself will start attracting more people, customers, capital and other resources to your project.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Let's Talk About Planning, Funding and Building Your Team For Success

Would you like to be sure of "next steps" to take with your business or idea?

Have questions about planning, team, capital, product development?
Feeling some resistance with any of the steps you're taking now?
Wondering where to find capital or how to attract the perfect team?

Everything just great and you'd like to make sure it stays that way?

I'm extending an invitation to all business start-ups to be on a LIVE Teleclass with me to discuss just that!

I haven't done this call in over a year but I've gotten so many requests lately,
I decided to go for it --- reserve your spot TODAY as I have limited spaces available.

All details are at It's absolutely FREE.

Join us September 19th at 5pm pst/ 8pm est.

If you are ramping up or starting a new business, you'll want to be on this call!!

If you've worked with me before, this will be a great refresher for you.
If you haven't, then I HIGHLY recommend you dial in.
(sign in and you'll receive call access numbers immediately via email)

Join me on the call--- you'll find out things you didn't even know you didn't know.

"See" you next week.
To your success!

Maria Simone

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

10 Simple Things To Do That Builds Value And Attracts Capital To Your Business

Here are some things you can do right from the beginning to build value in your's like creating "instant equity"! These are important items if you want to attract capital, are planning to sell your business some day, want to attract large contracts and joint venture partners or perhaps a high profile individual to your team.

See what you have in place right now, and then plan for the rest:

1. Protect all Intellectual Property (IP) along the way---- Copyrights, trademarks, patents. Make sure you have the opportunity to create MORE intellectual property as you grow:
A very low cost domain service I use is at (I register any name related to my current and future brand and product extensions).
Register your written and/or printed material copyrights at
For patent and trademark searches go to

2. Start building a client database ASAP. You can do this even during your formation stage by offering something complimentary to people who sign in, or perhaps host a contest to quickly build your list.

3. Seek out and document Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures--- Formal relationships with people and Companies who can help build your list, bring you new business, be able to offer value to your customers, and create marketing exposure for your Company.

4. Create opportunities for licensing agreements. Let someone "rent" your intellectual property for a fee OR you may have the opportunity to package your product with someone else's "brand" on it. EX: A child would rather have a shirt with a Disney character on it than the same shirt with no character.

5. Systematize all aspects of your business right from the beginning. Every facet of your business should be duplicatable and/or automated. This includes sales, marketing, operational functions, delivery and the product itself.

6. Will your IP become obsolete? Can you update, upgrade or easily develop new products and services around your original IP? Software and computer manufacturers do this all the time. This was not the case for gas-lamp lighters when electricity was invented, or for telegraph operators when the telephone was invented. Are you a computer manufacturer or a gas-lamp lighter? Demonstrate that you'll be able move into other market segments as the market shifts.

7. Whatever your product or service is, seek out opportunities to create RECURRING REVENUE for your Company, examples would be: Warranty programs, leases, memberships, refills/replacements, usage fees.

8. Have famous, well-respected, and/or high profile people on your team when possible or at least using your products. It's great for instant visibility and credibility!

9. Issue press releases along the way and create PR opportunities such as getting written up in magazines when you can. Keep the buzz going at all times. Announce new product launches, new team members, a joint effort with a charity organization, etc.

10. Ask for and document all testimonials, product endorsements, and letters of intent to be able to show to prospective partners and investors. These could be replaced by actual sales contracts and purchase orders in the future.

Application of these items requires very little effort yet will take your business to another level.

To your success!
Maria Simone

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Celebrating Cities After 9-11

On 9-11 2001 I was visiting SF and getting ready to head out to NY to visit family as I watched the tragedies of the day unfold. This was especially hard for me to experience, not only as an American but as a native New Yorker who was watching a part of her city implode and knowing that there were people she knew who were tragically being involved in all of this.

I remember frantically trying to get a flight out and back to NY , not fully comprehending how much of an impact this had had on our entire air transit system.
When I was finally able to get into Manhattan a few days later, I scrambled
up the subway steps to see the damage. I needed to see what had happened to my city. I looked down the block--- as close as I could get to Ground Zero that day ---- and could see the smoldering area of what once were the Twin Towers. At the same moment, I noticed the burning smell in the air, the surreal silence that had taken over the city, and the endless see of posters of missing people and tributes that were plastered everywhere.

That day I decided to somehow create a tribute to the resiliency of the American spirit, to the cities we love so much and come home to when we leave, and to give back to those cities as well.

It's still a work in progress but is evolving from those thoughts back in 2001. We make products that celebrate cities and part of our profits go back to the city as well.

Today I said a prayer for all the lives lost and lives changed that tragic day and I was reminded again of why I do some of the things I do.

To your success!
Maria Simone

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"You're as good as the people you associate with"

I don't even watch the news regularly but somehow, the stories of the "girls gone wild" in Hollywood keeps coming across my radar. What's up with that?

It only makes me think of the saying I've been hearing forever that says
"You're only as good as the people you associate with".

It's obviously very true in we've been *exposed* ad nauseum these past few months to their wild antics, it's obvious that their relationship with each other has had an influence on their behavior.

The same can be said for other areas of your life of course:
If you want to be successful, hang out with successful people.
If you're raising capital for your business, hang out where the investors are.
If you're looking for TEAM and/or experts, hang out where your industry hangs out.

I like to mix it up to make sure my "networking" experiences are meaningful.
As my agendas for my different projects evolve, I'm always evaluating who's in my "circle of influence" to make sure that the connections are mutually beneficial.

There are certain groups I have outgrown, or my focus has shifted in my business ---- it's good to be aware of those shifts and to respond accordingly with a new emphasis on where you'll be spending your time.

This happened naturally when I got married 3 years ago. Hanging out with my die-hard single friends no longer supported me and my growth so I made some shifts in my relationships.

The same shifts happen in our businesses as our agendas change but often we're not always aware of when it's time to move on.

To your success!
Maria Simone

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Getting ready for a road trip!

Next week we're hitting the road for a couple of weeks for some fun, business and personal transformation. It was quite amazing that a variety of family events, Bon Voyage gatherings, weekend workshops and business meetings all seemed to coincide during the same period in August and all between LA and San Diego.

Once Michael and I started putting the dots together of where we needed to be, it was quite obvious that we would be gone for a couple of weeks and a road trip was definitely in order.

In between all of our activities will be a week in San Diego near the beach for some R&R.

All this planning and talk of being gone from home for awhile got me thinking about another dream that has truly manifested for me which is to be completely mobile and free. Many years ago when I decided to leave the corporate world, that was a goal I had. I longed for the day when I could choose my own time to get up in the morning, when I wanted to be at work and most importantly "where". I was able to accomplish that within the year after putting all the pieces together.

When I first met Michael 4 years ago, I remember sharing with him that the lifestyle I had was one I had dreamed about and was hoping he would create a similar situation so we could be more mobile ... together.

It was fun to watch him transition from a full-time tech career to working for himself doing technology consulting.

So here we are, planning our summer of fun, visiting with friends and loading my businesses on a USB Flash Drive, the size of my thumb, to take on the road. I've been warned though --- no computers on the beach!

To your success!
PS Check out some of the places where we'll be:
We love the programs hosted by SOUL Institute
We make some powerful business connections at

Weclome to my blog!

I'd like to use this space to let you know what's happening with me, my projects, my life and of course talk about how great it is to be an entrepreneur.

If you are launching a business, an inventor looking for resources or someone who's already in business wondering what's next then I highly suggest my Manifest Success program at . It will take you through all the steps you need to know, in proper sequence, to create a successful business entity. Without this type of information, people struggle longer than they have to and spend way more than they have to in order to achieve their dreams.

I also publish a newsletter every month that is packed with "nuggets" of business building tips. Please claim your complimentary subscription at

To your success!